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06995 �reveufing ConstfuGfian [)&m&gc to Tim % 15 101 (t 5-1 11 <br />Agricplturgl, pualiem 88s — Reviewed May 15,1 <br />i 1 ;; i- tLL i F� I IPJJI <br />Dennis S. Schrock <br />Department of HorGiculture, University of M�souri- Columbia <br />Trees are a valuable asses in home landscapes. 71teu sfeade makes swmer living more peasant and can sigufiKzly reduce air <br />condttioring costs. In winter, ftY shield against wind anti snow, reducing heating casts. Leaves act as air cleoriers, filtering <br />dust and removing airborne poUuwnts. Treys shelter wildlffe, slow rainfall nmo� muffle noise and pmvide privacy. But perhaps <br />the main reason people value trees hWily is simply the beauty and grace they add to a community. <br />Becatm it takes many years for a to grow to rnaty, wooded building sites command mourn prices. All too <br />y, however, the trees that male the site ' ire a damaged during nstruetiom Trees may decline and die soon <br />aver corromcfion work is fmisW. T'he homeowner theta faces the cost of tree removal in addition to the expense and <br />nee&d to gmw replwernent ft m. <br />Trees around older, eM i.shed homes suffer from Lion &wage, too. Remodeling projects, sidewalk repent* <br />I;i � c Ivqin projects or utility work may cause injury tDt-em. <br />Dame to gees occurs directly from physical wounding or indirectly through change of environment around the tree. <br />�dysical wounds <br />Careless movement of construction equipment cages wounds to wee trunks and root collars, the am of the fxee at ground <br />line where the roots begin to spread out A healthy tiw is capable of sealing off mnall wounds, loaliang injwy. However, <br />large wounds and those an stressed trees will not reality gal off, allowing decay to begin. <br />improper Pig to create clearance for construction equipma and tree removal techniques are other sources of physical <br />fury to branches and mmks- As ties are removed for placement of a new building or driveway, fty may scrape bark off <br />tunks or breA branches offtes are to be saved. These wounds serve as entry Poirft for diseases. Improper pruning <br />leaves branch stubs that die and begin to dray. Make clean cuts with a sharp pnmmg saw just outside the swollen branch <br />lM_ <br />Below growd, root dam is common ftom excavation grade changes. Roots may he torn by intproper excavation, <br />opening wounds for disme organisms to enter. Fine, absorbing toots are last by moil removal, pufting the tree under gms <br />Structural support is lost by trenching tea close to major roots, creating a potential hazard. Bruising or cn6hing of roots by- <br />heavy equipment may not he nt from above ground, <br />11 11 C 3 ' 11 <br />Soil oDmPwfion is a sous probes on many construction sites. Even when care is taken to avoid mmk and branch miury <br />ftm eqmpmem tm may be tiama by equdPm.A driving over root systems. The weight of the equipment eompam sod, <br />reducing air space in the root zone- Limited oxygm avarlabYlity to roots is a1w a problem when soil is stockpiled at the hale of <br />VWs Or paving is punt over existing roots. <br />. t Mive I <br />th'nnilng of tree sfnds or removal of underbrush yes incmased expomm to sun, wind and heat. Sunscald may <br />y <br />develop on tees previously acchmated to shade. Ind wind and heat exposure mereases moisture mss. <br />h hip: Ihn uWansi on. missnuri .oduloxplarer &gguid -crJbtn Vg061195.htm �g� i <br />