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AL_ <br />i6$$5 FrcYcFtTWg Ccmg 960n DwnAld to Tr "s <br />_ �,,e .,atpr nt,tp n divert cirainaae �ttems away from the <br />Also, moisture m�Y �Velop prom graoe cn=Wcb u= juW1ui u� changes, as well. A rise in the water table, � from <br />site. On the other laud, ex+�ess sots moisture may develop from grime <br />improper g�iing, or an increase in water flarav through � a�a will tip crease tk� amount of oxygen �n the root zone and �ea�i -- <br />to tree decline. <br />Adding fill soil 4r cidting away excess sail altos the environment mound tree roosts. Hauling in OR reduces oxygen to the roots. <br />Adding as little as i or 2 inches of heavy clay soil on tap of the e�dsting g� may damage s�ensit4ve trees such as oaks. The <br />soil Mile aid sail pH are also altered. Topsod is often more acidic than excavated subsoils spread on the surface. Trees <br />� � �o� � acidic topsoil will be used when fond t4 develop new roots in sail of a different pH and t�cture• <br />Atxi�ity of roots to eke up marry micronutrien�s i� red�.u� in high pH soils, leadng to deer�d �owth gate aM yellowing <br />leaves. Consauction material buried on-site also often raises sail pH. <br />ymptoms of damage <br />,�.A <br />ypWnis of <br />nstrunn trees air over a period of several months to several years Ater the image occurs. <br />development of mss it is often difficult for people to end the relation ip between the <br />� of the delay p� � <br />eadier mj� the current �1r. <br />The first symptoms to develop may be a slight wilting or sheMng of a few leaves at the time of construction Fall coloration <br />often develops early and heaves drop prematurely. In latex years, leaf size and shoot growth may be reduce. Twigs and <br />branches die, and in the case of confers, excesm've needle drop occurs. General growth of the tree is slowed and resistance to <br />diseases and insects is weakened <br />Diagnosing compaction or root smothering damage can be difficult because it may take five to seven years for symptoms to <br />appear. The speed and severity of symptom development depends on the amount of damage, the 5peC125 Of tree and Still type. <br />The fit step in deciding Leh trees to save is to accwnaWly nark nnt placement of proposed WAW, driveways, Ong <br />aTew and Wity routes. After marking these features, stand back to look over the site, A wW1 shift in the position of the <br />buildin& a change in driveway lemon, or altering the proposed udUty line could make the difference between saving or c=' <br />a valuable tee. <br />AAer deciding on �� placmenta pnonfi= tm for saving, Trees dir %y in the way of construction; undesirable, weedy <br />tree species; trees in a state of decline; or sttuctLirally lmwdous trees should be marked for removal. if in daub <br />consult a tram arbor hortieultiri t, feres r or nursery person to deWnnm"e t= condition. <br />Next, dctemine winch trees can be saved with little or no pmwcfion Desirable trees locaaed away from canstrucfion or traffic <br />areas will survive if reasonable care is taken. <br />The fug. grow of trees to examim are those that may serve conshuction, but only if proper measures are taken. Examine <br />them more closely to a if one of th+f teehnues d�bed belay efftivelyrn drnae.f severe &mage is <br />likely, A wM be lei eve to remove the tree before consawfion bed fl= aftward. <br />F97T77T� 11 11 M111 Ti� I � : Wl <br />Control traffic around trees <br />Tree its are not mirror <br />D. the tree top. Roots are concemtmW in the top 12 to IS inch of snit and spread two to <br />hJtp:Itmuextensianm iP�&=i vdulexplaralsgguiftsihorV &U R&5 •him 'Page 2 <br />
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