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8.0 S'T'AFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />9.1 The Based on the information provided and the findings in Section 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this project <br />report, staff recommends approval of the request by Forth Heights Lutheran Church for a <br />rezoning from - l to PUD, with an underlying zoning of R -1 and for approval of the General <br />Concept Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions: <br />A, The design of the North Heights Lutheran Church Campus Master Plan should be <br />compatible with the general context and human scale of the neighborhood for both <br />architecture design and building materials. It is set back from residential areas and is <br />similar in mass to the apartment complexes to the north. The school and sanctuary <br />structures incorporate a flat roof consistent with a school and have added other <br />architectural elements to further enhance each structure and reduce the visual mass of <br />the building. Other enhancements to reduce appearance of building mass and height <br />could include different sets of windows, large expanses of similar facade materials, an <br />contextually matching brie. <br />B. The Public works Department has reviewed the grading, drainage, and utility plans <br />proposed with the General Concept plan submittal. All plans, including the location of <br />fire hydrants and utility services connections, require the approval of the Public Works <br />Department. <br />C. The conceptual landscape plan must be modified prior to Final Development Plan <br />approval. This plan must include additional shrubs and perennials adjacent to the north <br />storm water management area. Staff will work with the projects landscape architect on <br />screening options (especially at areas where headlights hit houses) and properly spaced <br />maple and/or honey locust tress. <br />D. A gate(s) be designed and installed in the north parking lot to prohibit weekday school <br />traffic from entering and existing the site from Woodbridge Street. <br />E. The Penal Development PTT Plan and final hearing regarding the property rezoning <br />being submitted and approved within one year of the General Concept PUD Plan. <br />9.0 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: <br />9.1 On April 2, 2003, the Roseville Planning Commission held the public hearing regarding the <br />Forth Heights request. At the hearing a number of adjacent residential property owners <br />addressed the Commission with questions and concerns (see attached minute excerpt). <br />Specifically, area residents voiced concerns about speeding traffic, site access locations, added <br />noise, after school activities, size of sanctuary, parking, and site lighting. Most road concerns <br />related to Woodbridge Street is <br />9.2 The Commission also had questions of staff and the developer regarding the proposal, a l'sting <br />area conditions, and potential impacts <br />PF3449 -- INCA Concept Plan - 060903 Page 7 of 8 <br />
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