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4.0 P RODE T SPECIFICS: <br />The project area consists of approximately 11.4 acres that includes three existing structures, <br />two school buildings and a church, a playground/recreational area, and two parking lots. The <br />North Heights campus lies in the northwest corner of Counter Road C and Dice Strect with <br />adjacent land uses including single family homes to the west and south, walgrecn }s to the <br />south, a gas convenience and a retail strip center to the east and multi - family rental apartments <br />to the north, <br />4.2 Because schools and churches are considered integral parts of Roseville's residential areas, the <br />proposed expansion project is consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan designation for the <br />site (LR -Low Density residential) and the zoning for the site (R -1) . <br />4.3 Roseville's policy has been to use site-specific planned unit development zoncs and <br />development contracts in redevelopment areas with mixes of uses. The forth Heights site will <br />be created as a planned unit development zone. <br />In December of Zoo, Forth Heights and their design consultants presented the Commission <br />with a "sketch plan" proposal for the school and church campus. At this meeting <br />Commissioners expressed general comments about the size and location of the dual uses, <br />parking, green space, access, screening, and resident impacts. Since that date, Ellerbe Becket <br />(Project Architect), UR (Civil Engineer) and Anderson Builders (Design Builder) have <br />revised-their plans for the North Heights campus and submitted the `concept" package for <br />distribution to members of the Development Review Committee (DRQ and submittal to the <br />Commission for approval. forth Heights also held a neighborhood meeting on March I 1 to <br />review their master plan proposal with the adjacent community and to gain insight into <br />neighborhoods issues and' concerns+ <br />4.2 On March 18, 20039 the DRC held its review of the Campus Master Plan and provided the <br />design team with limited comments regarding "'tweaking" certain aspects of the site plan and <br />further clarification of items such as site lighting, mechanical units, emergency generator, and <br />slgnage. <br />5.0 CAMPUS MASTER PLAN <br />5.1 Forth Heights Lutheran Church has created a two phase Campus Master Plan for their 11.4 <br />acre parcel at 2651 2701 Dice Street. The overall plan proposes to construct a new 1,200 <br />seat sanctuary and x.--12 school to replace the existing 400 seat sanctuary (outdated and <br />insufficient to meet growing needs) and K-8 school (outgrown and requiring major upgrades). <br />5.2 The Campus Master Plan also includes two new parking lots totaling 417 spaces, which will <br />replace the existing parking lots. New recreational facilities, a storm water management area, <br />landscaping and other site necessary site improvements are included in the plan as well. <br />5.3 The proposed Campus Master Plan anticipates a maximum total of '5 o stafFemployees for the <br />school, 10 staff/employees for the sanctuary, and 46 classrooms of 20 to 25 students each or a. <br />total student population of 900, of which 225 could be students who drive. <br />F3449 - RCA Concept Plan - 060903 page 2 of 8 <br />
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