<br />Mr. Tim, O"Neill,
<br />City of Roseville
<br />2660 Civic Center Drive
<br />Roseville, MN 55113
<br />Ip
<br />Reft Roseville Fire Station No. 1
<br />IA,Q Invesitigation
<br />EEA Project No. 69,7'8-1301
<br />Tl,e Institute for Envi , ronmental Assessment (IEA) is pleased to provide thi's report on, the Ire air, I
<br />,Nua,lity (IAQ) - investigation conducted at Roseville Fire Station No. 1. The investigation was, initiated dui
<br />to concerns with fungal growth due to flooding in, the basement, and from roof l,eaks. I
<br />Executive Summary
<br />On September 1,5, 20102, IEA conducted a visual inspection and fungal, saimpling at Roseville Fire Station
<br />No. 1. Fungal growth had occurred, in the, basement due to repeated flooding reportedly caused, by water
<br />infiltration through the basement wialls. Roof leaks had also occurred. A surnmary of fig.
<br />provided below:
<br />1. Visible fungal growth in the basel,ment was found at the base of'sheetrock walls in several, areas
<br />and, on equipment" stored in the Fire Department, Equipment Room. Numerous wateT-stam-ed
<br />ceiling tiles, were observed in the older portion of the building.
<br />2. Overall airborne fimga,l levels were elevated, in the Fire Department Equipment Rolom. Lolw
<br />levels of' ftmgi associated with interior sources of fimga,l contarnination were found in samples
<br />collccted ftorn, ground level areas. Fungal, contamination 'in the basement is, likely, th,ei source, of'
<br />the airborne ftirigal contamination.
<br />3. Heavy fungal levels were found on, bulk and tease, tape samples coillected from, walls an -f
<br />equipment in the, basemenlit.
<br />4. Fungal levels and composi�tioln in carpet dust collected in the Relief Office and Fire Training
<br />Room, indiciated that the carpeits were dwity or that, fungal, growth has occurred, on the carpets.
<br />Water-damaged and fungal-contarm'nated, bw'ldimg materials should be, removed under
<br />controlled conditions. Porous rnatein-als that are contaminated with mold should be bagged or
<br />wrapped, i plastic and discarded. Non-porolus materials need to be thoroughly cleaned and
<br />Controlled conditions, such, as physical isolation and negative, air pressunzation of the,
<br />T "duals from fungal spores, that are
<br />abatemnt, area, wi,l,l pro te ct adjacent', ar e as and Irldiv,
<br />released when, fungal-contaminated materials are removed. IEA can provide a specification
<br />for removal activities,, ifdesired.
<br />\\Ntscrver\IEA\Clicnt Hics\C\City of RosevilleWR02-6978-13011 - City of Roseville dire Station Ldoc - sd�a
<br />9201 West Broadway, Suite BOO., Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 (7613) 315-7900 1 ('800) 233-9513 FAX (763) 315-7920 A Minnesota Corporation
<br />