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U 3 have low traffic volumes due to the nature of the niche market business. The current <br />641 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITS Manual, 7th Addition) indicates that 64 specialty <br />65 retail" stores will generate between 22 and 65 vehicle trips per 1,000 square feet of floor <br />66 area. In the case of the subject use, this translates into approximately 3,500 sq. ft. being <br />67 utilized for retail space or 154 vehicle trips per day. By contrast, other uses permitted <br />68 witbout a CUP could generate average daily vehicle trips ranging from 252 (for a walk-in <br />e g <br />bank) up to 1,400 (for a fast food restaurant without a drive -through). Th Plannin <br />7(), Division has thus determined that the proposed use would have a significantly smaller <br />7 1 impact on traffic than other permitted uses. <br />72 6.3 Impact on parks, streets and other public facilities: Because the proposed pawn shop <br />73 is more than half a mile from the nearest park and would increase the traffic on County <br />T4 Road B (on which nearly all of the automobile traffic would travel) by less than I% the <br />75 Planning Division has determined that the proposed pawn shop will not have an adverse <br />76 impact on the City's parks, streets, and/or other facilities. <br />77 6.4 Compatibility ... with contiguous properties: There are no proposed or required <br />78 changes to the structures, parking area, or landscaping for the pawn shop use that would <br />7 affect contiguous properties differently than the site currently does. <br />6.5 Impact of the use on the market value of contiguous properties: When a property is <br />assigned Zoning and Comprehensive Plan land use designations, careful consideration is <br />2 given to protecting the value of surrounding properties. In light of this, and because the <br />3 proposed pawn shop is among the uses that are allowed in the B-3 District and is <br />consistent with the "business" designation of the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning <br />5 Division has determined that the proposed pawn shop will not have an adverse impact on <br />6 the market value of contiguous properties. <br />87 6.6 Impact on the general public health, safety, and welfare: Police Department staff has <br />indicated that a pawn shop is no more likely to have illegal activity or police calls than a <br />general retail business; the Planning Division therefore believes that the proposed pawn <br />shop will have no discernable impact on the general public health, safety, and welfare. <br />However, a substantial increase in police calls due to illegal activities or loitering in the <br />parking lot would be be a concern and potentially impact the areas general health, safety <br />and welfare, and could be grounds for invalidating an approved CUP. <br />i, 6.7 Compatility with the City's Comprehensive Plan: Pawn shops in certain buildings are <br />conditionally p ermitt u in the <br />-3 General Business District and are compatible with <br />ed se B <br />the Comprehensive Plan designation of Business. <br />17 700 PUBLIC HEARING <br />7.1 Prior to the public hearing, Community Development staff received two emalls from <br />neighboring homeowners in opposition to the proposed use. Other residents asked several <br />questions about the proposed pawn shop over the phone or while attending the recent <br />Open House for the Comprehensive Plan update. <br />1 2 7.2 Several members of the community attended the public hearing. Of the people who <br />1� ("-y <br />commented on the proposal, all were opposed to the pawn shop by varying degrees, <br />citing concerns of increased crime and traffic - especially in light of the recent approvals <br />1� 5 of a CUP for an off-sale liquor store and a General Concept PUD for the renovation and <br />1� 6 expansion of the Har Mar Apartments on nearby properties. <br />["F08-014—RCA-042808 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />