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10 7' Mr. Smith adviise'd thl at with each pawn tran�sactiion� de'scriibe'd and docuim�e'n�te'd iin de'taiil�, along with the <br />108 training ®t hies m anlage'rs, he atte'mpte'd t® minimize hies riisk iin doiin�g buisiin�e'ss as much as possiibl�e'. Mr. <br />109 Smith adviise'd thl at h�iis mman�age'rs were all iin�struicte'd th�at, If iit doe'sn�"t look rii gh�t, don�"t take iit." Mr. Smith <br />110 assuire'd commissioners thl at be'twe'e'n the l�aw e'nforce' me'nt age nicile's, the APS syste'r�m, anId l iice'nIsiinlg <br />111 re'q�ulilre'r�me'n�ts, h�iis ope'ratiion�s were held very accouin�tabl�e'. <br />112, Lt. Rosa 7d adviise'd that the APS syste'm was ru�nr by the Minneapolis Police De�partm�e�n�t, an�d opiin�e'd thl at <br />113 the e'xiistiin pawn shop head be'e'n a good n�e'ii gh�bor, an�d h�ad re'ce'n�tl r proviide'd investigative assistance to <br />114 the Roseville Police Department through use of e'q�uiiipm� e'n�t. Lt. Rosan�d fuirth�e'r opiin�e'd that, if th�e'y wan�te'd <br />115 t® mmaiin�taiin th�e'i�r l�iice'n�se', iit be'hoove'd the shops t® cooperate with l�aw enforcement; anId adviise'd thl at he <br />116 foresaw n�o probl�e'rms iinl the n�e'ii gh�bor' ood through iin�cre'ase'd thefts ®r bu rgl�ariles. <br />1 7 Public Comment <br />�8 Delores (Cede) Goodwin, 2206 Haddingt ©n Road <br />�9 Ms. Goodwiim re'viie'we'd the significant c�ar�ge's be'iin�g e' xpe'riie'n�ce'd iim t�e'iir r�e'iigh�borhhood (ii.e'., re'ce'n�t <br />� 2,0 e'xpanIsiion ®t Har Mar Apartments, an�d an additional buiiil�diinIg proposed for that cormpl�e'x; re'ce'nt l�iiq�ulor <br />� 2, "l license approval n�e'xt door t® the striip mall uin�de'r diiscuissii on�); anId n�ow th�iis CUP re�q�uie'st. Ms. Goodwiin� <br />� 2,2, suim�m�ariize'd hl cormrme'n�ts from pre'viiouis land use case's re'gardiin�g iin�cre'ase'd crime iinl the are'a; <br />� 2,3 iinIcre'ase'd police cal�l�s t® Har Mar Apartments; re'ce'nt ATF an�d druig buise's joist north ®t h�e'r hi orme'; an�d <br />� 24 cl�ariifiie'd h�e'r state'rme'n�ts made at those land use h�e'ariin�gs categorizing crime statistics. <br />12,5 Ms. Goodwiin spoke t® the apartrme'n�t cormpl�e'x iissuie', spe'ciifiical�l r appl�iican�t scre'e'n�iin�g anId criminal <br />12,6 backgrouunr d investigations for te'mamts; and proviide'd I�e'r personal Internet research on pawn sh" ops, <br />12, 7 tre'n�ds iinl law e'n�force'mme'n�t, anId crime statistics. Ms. Goodwiin re'cogn�iize'd that Roseville was rm oviin�g from <br />12,8 a suibuirban t® uirban cormrmuln�ilty, anId adrmiitte'd the n�e'iigh�borh' ood"s lack ®t knowledge anId infbrmation on <br />12,9 pawn shop m�e'rch�an�diisiin�g and activities, but aske'd th�at the Compm�ilssilon� con siide'r the adve'n�t of re'ce'n�t <br />130 activities itn� th�e�itr specific n�e'itgh�borh� ood over the lent three (3,) mion�til" s, and the significant adju stm�e�nts <br />131 �e'ce'ssary for cu, rre�n�t re'si�de'n�ts iln� th" at are+ a. <br />132, Ms. Goodwiin spe'ciifiical�l r aske'd wh�e'th�e'r the CUP al�l�owe'd m�e'l�tiing of pre'ciiou�s m�e'tal�s, citing h�e'r Internet <br />133 research e' xam�pl�e's iin� Fort Lauderdale and Callan. <br />134 John Heitzinger, Rosewood Village Condominiums, 1650 Highway #3,66 <br />135 Mr. He'iitziin�ge'r adviise'd that, with the re'ce'nt Har Mar Apartment com�pl�e'x renovations and re'de've'l�opmr e'n�t, <br />136 and th�e'n the l�iiq�uior store license approval, the n e'iigh�borh�ood was ove'rwh�e'l�rme'd wh�e'n an�oth�e'r proposal <br />13 7' came forward so soon �, and the type of propose'd ope'ratiion . Mr. He'iitziin ge'r re'viie'we'd Mils personal <br />138 itn�ve�stilgatilon of culrre�n�t ope�ratilon�s itn the me+ tropol�iltan area of Cash�-n�-Pawn facill�iitile�s, base+ d on hits retail <br />139 e' xpe'riie'n�ce', and the negative pe'rce'ptiionr of the store ilm Frogtown� and at the Midway Sh�oppilmg Ce'n�te'r on <br />140 University Ave'nuu�e'. Howe've'r, Mr. Heitzinger adviise'd that he h�ad iin�ve'stiigate'd the Friidl�e' y l�ocatiion� earlier <br />1,41 today, and h�i�s pe�rce�ptilon� was positive dulri�n�g h�i�s time monitoring the ope�ratilon�, re+ vile�w of merchandise <br />142, and cuistom�e'r service of the e'mmpl�oye'e's. Mr. He'iitziinge'r adviise'd that he had made a small purchase to <br />143 see what the proce'ss was, an�d left with a more positive attiltulde'. <br />144 Mr. He'iitziinge'r re'fe're'n�ce'd com�m�uin�iity com�m�e'nts th�at the Ciity n�e'e'de'd more affordable h�ou�si�nag, the ne'e'd <br />145 to recycle cuirre'n�t h�ou�si�n�g, and to encourage you�n�g people to come to Rose'viil�l�e', based on the m�an�y <br />146 am�e�n�iItile�s of the com�m�u, n�iIty. While opining hl iIs re�spe�ct for Mr. Smith an�d hl iIs bu, siIn�e�ss, Mr. He�iItziIn�ge�r <br />14 7' appe'ale'd to commissioners to loo k at the whole piictuire', and the cony se'q�uie'n�ce's of th�e'iir approvals of <br />148 variIou. s ope+ ratilon�s, to determine what kiln�d of message was being s�e�nr t to e�xilstiln�g and prospective <br />149 re�siide'n�ts. <br />150 Janice Ettle, Rosewood Village Condominiums, 1620 W Highway 3,6, #207 <br />151 Ms. Ettle e'xpre�sse'd appre�ciiatiionr for the com�mme'n�ts made by pre�viiou s spe'ake�rs tour iighlt; but e'xpre�sse'd <br />152, hre'r conce'rns with the corer dittilonr of the road, gilve l re'ce' n�t use of h�e'avy e'q�uIiIpm�e'n�t; itn addittilonr to safety <br />153 corer ce'rn�s with the road curvature an�d spe'e'd of traffic. Ms. Ettle corer cuirre�d with pre�viiou�s puck l�iic com�m�e'n�t. <br />.1 <br />154 Ms. Ettle opiin�e'd th at a stop si�gn wou�l�d help the traffic spe'e'd; an�d fuirth�e'r opiin�e'd thl at parkiin on both <br />155 siide's of the road wou�l�d h�iin�de'r e'm�e'rge'n�cy vehicle access. <br />156 Ch' airr Bake 'm�anr aske'd thl at Mr. Truedge'onr re�l�ay. Ms. Ettl�e' "s suigge'stiionr for iin�stal�l�atiionr of a stop siign (by the <br />15 7' ban�k an�d commercial area ) to the Ciity 11s Puibl�iic Works Department for th�e'iir re�viie'w and com�mme'n�t. <br />158 Diiscuissiionr was h�e'l�d re�gardiin onr -stre�e�t parkiin rel�ate'd to the Har Mar Apartment compl�e'x, with Mr. <br />159 Tru�dge'on� clarifying th�at parkiin�g was al�l�owe'd, based on stre�e�t wiidth�, on variiou�s stre�e�ts th�rou�gh�ou�t the <br />160 Ciity; h�owe've'r, Mr. Truedge'on adviise'd thl at a corer diitiionr of the Har Mar Apartment project approval was thl at <br />