161 th�e' y cou�l�d not use on- stre'e't parkitn to mie'e't th�e'it r m unlit u�m� parkitn re'q�u�i�re'm�e'n�t, nee�e'ditn to filn�d a
<br />162, sollu, tiion on�-silte�.
<br />163 Noreen Sorg, Rosewood Village Condominiums, 1640 W Highway 3,6
<br />.1
<br />164 Ms. Sorg n�ote'd h�e'r pre'vi�ou�sl�y-e'xpre'sse'd con ce'rn�s with the Har Mar Apartment project an�d driveway
<br />165 access iissuie's anId iin�cre'ase'd traffic; anId re'iite'rate'd those con�ce'rn�s with th�iis appliicatii®n as we'll, opining
<br />166 the nIe'e'd for the driive'ways t® that parkiin I ®t t® be sii gnle'd, "One Way."
<br />16 7' Ruth Batchelder, 2205 Haddingt ©n Road
<br />168 Ms. Batch�e'l�de'r re'iite'rate'd h�e'r comet me'n�ts from the pre'viiou�s Comprehensive Plea Update diiscuissiion , an�d
<br />169 as a me'w re'siide'mt, �e'r conmce'rms about impacts to the me'iigh�borh�ood amd �e'r pro pe'rty.
<br />1 70 Applicant, Mark Smith
<br />1 7`1 Mr. Smith apol�ogiize'd for h�iis pre'viiou�s ou�tbuirst duiriin Mr. He'iitziin�ge�r 111 com�m�e�n�ts; e'xpl�aiin�iin h�iis passiion�
<br />72, re'late'd to the University project, an�d the mast r diiffiicuil�tiie's ove'rcom�e', an�d historical an�d streetscape
<br />73 renovations proposed, for th�iis faciil�iity, with the Ciity of St. Paull�"s bl�e'ssiin an�d l�e'adiin the way iin initial
<br />74 re'de've'l�opmme'n�t iin the Iii ht rail corridor.
<br />75 Mr. Smith addre'sse'd com�m�e'n�ts and concerns expre'sse'd duiriin�g pu�bl�iic com�m�e'n�t iin� response to those
<br />76 iite'm�s iide'n�tiifiie'd by Ch�aiir Bake'roman�. Regarding mme'l�tiin down pre'ciiou�s mme'tal�s or acce'ptiin mme'l�te'd gtold,
<br />77 Mr. Smith adviise'd that h�iis ope'ratiion diid n�ot con duict smme'l�tiin an�d that pe'r license re'q�uiiire' m�e'n�ts,
<br />78 merchandise Mad t® m�aiinitaiinl iits original state wiith�ouit al�te'ratiion�; buit noted that after the h�ol�diinl g period, he
<br />79 moray wholesale merchandise t® a gol�d de'al�e�r t®r smme'l�tiin . Mr. Smith re'mmiin�de'd Commissioners that a
<br />M phiot® ®t the produict re'ce'iive'd anId the cuistomme'r, as well as a de'taine'd de'scriiptiion ®t the merchandise anId
<br />�8 anIy diistiinl guiiish�iinl g ch�aracte'riistiics, was proviide'd at the time ®t each puirch�ase'. Mr. Smith re'viie'we'd
<br />82, possible occuirre'n�ce's duiriinl g the h�ol�diinl g pe'riiod, where an offiIce'r moray pursue a suispiiciiouis actiiviity report;
<br />M oth�e'r occasions wh�e�nI a cuistomme'r wound pawn) dental bridge work with gol�d; anId the retail optiion�s after
<br />� 84 the merchandise has e'xce'e'de'd the 60-day h�ol�diinl g peril ®d t®r resale', re'paiir, whole'sale', ®r whate've'r
<br />�85 optilon se'e' m�s pruide'n�t.
<br />M Lt. Rosa td clarified thiat the Ciity of Roseville l�iice'n�siin re'q�uiiire'mme'n�ts require the pawn shop to ke'e'p the
<br />�8 7' merchandise for a pe'riiod of siixty (60) days.
<br />M Mr. Smith opiin�e'd that MN laws were ahe'ad ®t othe'r state's re' gu�l�atiin pawn sh ®p bu�siin�e'sse's; an�d
<br />M re'iite'rate'd that he was a Flan e' propon�e�nIt of the APS systeM iinI ke�e�piinI g h�iis buisiinIe'ss accouinItabl�e', anId h�iis
<br />M testimony from experience at�d workiin�g with law enforcement age'n�ciie's iim cross-referencing iIte'm" s, fu�rthe'r
<br />9 111 opining that MN se'rve'd as a model t®r othe'r state's. Mr. Smith adviise'd that he had re'ce'iive'd an offe'r t®
<br />92, purchase a ch�aiin� of pawn sh�ops iin� FL, a state n of h�aviin g the re'guil�atory age'n�ciie's thiat MN head, and he
<br />M de'cl iin�e'd based on thiat lack of re'guil�atiion . Mr. Smith fuirthe'r n�ote'd thiat he cuirre'n�tl�y h�as two (2) store'd iin�
<br />94 MO, an d was con siide'riin g cl�osiin g those ope'ratiion s, since MO diidn�"t have any APS syste'm� e'iithe'r, an d iit
<br />�95 warn" "t worth h�iis buisiin e'ss to operate outside the law. Mr. Smith re'cogn�iize'd the variiou�s artiicl�e's
<br />�96 re'fe're'nce'd by Ms. Goodwiin�, an�d criim�iin�al�s se'e' kiin�g iin�stan�t cash for stol�e'n iite'm�s.
<br />�9 7' Fuirthe'r diiscuissiion iin�cl�uide'd clarification of h�ou�rs of ope'ratiion of the store', with Mr. Smith responding thiat
<br />M they would be the same as the sh�oppiinIg ce'nIte'r; Mr. Smith was amenable to anIy con�diitiion�s the
<br />199 commmmnssn on wiishe'd t® apply t® the CUP.
<br />2,00 Mr. Smith also thane ke'd Lt. Ronan" d for h�iis com�m�e'n�ts an d clarification with re'spe'ct to the proposed store'.
<br />2,0 Chiaiir Bake'm�an� closed the Puibl�iic Hearing, thean�kiin g all for the'iir com�m�e'n�ts.
<br />2,02, Commissioner Wozn iiak q�uie'stiion�e'd staff on the e'xte'riior of the buriil�diin g anod m�iin�iim�uim� stan dards an d/or
<br />2,03 prohhibite'd fe'atuire's (i.e'., nIo bars across windows).
<br />204 Mr. Lloyd advise'd that the Ciity 11s sngn re'gu�l�ation�s wouil�d addre'ss the e'xte'rior; howe've'r, n�ote'd that the
<br />1
<br />2,05 City 11 s Zoning Ordinance didn't addre'ss se'cu�riity fe'ature's, burt that the license re'q�u�iire'mme'n�ts mar addre'ss
<br />2,06 some ®t those ite'mms.
<br />2,0 7 Commissioner Dohhe'rty advise'd that he had come in�to the mme'e'tin�g pre'pare'd t® oppose the application,
<br />2,08 recognizing n"te'ighborhood con"tce'rn"ts an"td the marry chan"tge's occu�rriin"tg iim that are'a at this timme'. Howe've'r,
<br />2,09 Commissioner Doh�e'rty adviise'd thiat, after he'ariin g the com�pe'l�l�iin g testimony of the own e'r and Lt. Rosan�d
<br />210 he didm"t see much comme'ctiom be'twe'e'm the appl�icatiom amd e've'mts im the me'igh�borhhood. Commissioner
<br />211 Dohhe'rty opin�e'd that it appe'are'd to be a "cl�e'anl " bu�sin�e'ss, an�d it ce'rtain�l r wou�l�dn�"t be in their best inhe're'nt
<br />212, t® buy stol�e'nl mr e'rchan�dise'. Commissioner Dohe'rty spoke in su pport ®t the application' ; opining that he
<br />