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Alternatives <br /> No-Build Alternatives <br /> The no-build alternative was considered but rejected because it does not address traffic <br /> congestion or pavement deterioration concerns along the corridor. <br /> Design/Construction Alternatives <br /> A six-lane expansion of the existing four-lane roadway was originally proposed. This option <br /> was rejected because the traffic study indicated that equal or better performance could be <br /> achieved with targeted intersection improvements while minimizing impacts to adjacent <br /> properties. <br /> Location Alternatives <br /> County Road B2 is located in an intensely developed retail area. No alternative alignments <br /> were considered due to the unacceptable impacts on adjacent properties. <br /> Public Involvement <br /> Public Informational Meetings <br /> Public Informational meetings will be held in June 2011, approximately a year prior to the <br /> beginning of construction. Because of the intense retail activity in the project area, <br /> coordination with the business community will be crucial to minimizing the impact of <br /> construction. <br /> Public Hearing <br /> A public hearing will be held to determine the public purpose of the project for right of way <br /> acquisition. <br /> Other Public Involvement <br /> Coordination meetings with the City of Roseville will be held, as necessary. <br /> Agency Coordination <br /> County <br /> Ramsey County is the road authority and project proposer. <br /> Municipality <br /> Staff-level meetings have been held with the City of Roseville. Formal approval of the project <br /> by the Roseville City Council will be needed prior to letting the contract. <br /> Mn/DOT <br /> MN/DOT will review and approve all plans and specifications prior to advertisement for bids. <br /> Watershed District <br /> The project is in the Rice Creek Watershed District and plans will be submitted for district <br /> review. <br />