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MnDNR <br /> The project will not affect any DNR protected waters. <br /> Additional Agency Coordination is discussed in the following section. <br /> II. Social, Economic and Environmental Study <br /> Section 4(f)/6(f) Property <br /> The Project will not use Section 4(f) lands or properties or Section 6(f) lands or properties. <br /> National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) <br /> The project has been reviewed for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic <br /> Preservation Act, as amended by 36 CFR 800, and has been determined to have no effect any <br /> historic properties. Under the 2005 Programmatic Agreement between the FHWA and the <br /> Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the review of the project is complete <br /> and no comment period or SHPO response is required. <br /> Endangered Species <br /> The project will have no effect on federally listed threatened or endangered species or <br /> critical habitat. See attached letters from Mn/DOT's Office of Environmental Services (OES) <br /> for federally listed species, and the MnDNR for state species. <br /> Right-of-Way <br /> The project is likely to require non-significant permanent right of way acquisition, permanent <br /> and/or temporary easements, minor changes to access, and no relocations. In the southwest <br /> quadrant of the County Road B2 / Fairview Avenue intersection, the project will require <br /> purchase of an existing gas station. In 1990, the MPCA identified this station as a leak site, <br /> and assigned it the Site ID No. 2406. A Phase 1 Environmental Survey will be conducted and <br /> appropriate remediation will be performed. The project will require approximately: <br /> ➢ 1 acre of permanent right of way from 7 parcels <br /> ➢ 1 acre of temporary easements from 7 parcels, <br /> ➢ 0 parcels secured by permit or agreement, i.e., limited use permits <br /> Farmland Protection Policy Act <br /> The project will not affect farmland. <br /> Section 404 (Army Corps of Engineers) <br /> The project will not involve placement of fill into waters of the U.S. (defined in 33 CFR 328). <br /> Water Quality <br /> The project will disturb 1 or more acres of land (including clearing, grading and excavation). <br /> An MPCA NPDES permit will be submitted prior to project authorization. <br />