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Roseville Visitors Association and Business Com�m�uln�L have long sulpported the performing arts <br />in Roseville. Local businesses have sponsored events and performances at the Roseville Central <br />Park Amphitheatre for the past twenty years. Th�ese friends of the arts have sulpplem�en�ted <br />buldget allocations resulltin�g in an extensive lin�eulp of local artists, essentially making Roseville an <br />arts active com�m�uln�ity. Local businesses will underwrite a com�m�uln�ity celebration to mark the <br />completion of the renovatim project and dedicate the art to the com�m�uln�ity. <br />A public art component has been part of the renovatim plans from the beginning; unfortunately buldget <br />limitations have made it difficult to in�clulde pulblic art as an equlal partner with strut ctulral improvements <br />and the technical replacements. Support from MRAC and the Creative Intersections program wound <br />make this project a com�m�uln�ity arts facility, state -of- the -art performance equlipm�en�t and signature public <br />art piece. <br />Project Gael: The creation of place, in the heart of the com�m�uln�ity, for residents and gulests alike, <br />through the installation of public art, made possible by civic engagement and com�m�uln�ity <br />planning. <br />Objectives: 1) Engage com�m�uln�ity members in all aspects of project planning. Utilize the in�pult of <br />artists as well as arts en�th�ulsiasts to establish a vision for the project. Recruit proposals <br />from local artists and work to employ a regional artist. <br />2) Establish Central Park Amphitheatre as the heart of Roseville, oulr leading connection <br />to the arts. <br />3 ulrtulre partnerships, relationships and friendships through cooperative projects. <br />Work with partners to strengthen and sulpport local arts, culltulre and com�m�uln�ity <br />development. <br />Outcome: The gift of public art reflecting local culltulre and recognizing the legacy of a com�m�uln�ity <br />committed to the arts. <br />Timeline: <br />September 2007 - February 2008 (Members of renovatim project team meet to plan project and <br />establish leadership team. <br />March 2008 Project buldget agreed ulpon by financial partners and approved by Fouln�dation� <br />Board (Members and Parks and Recreation Commissioners. <br />Juln�e 2008 Civic engagement teami leader works to involve comimiuln�ity miemibers in creating a <br />project vision. Involve For cast in creating the call to artists to in�sulre the best <br />possible project involving local artists. <br />August 2008 Engage com�m�uln�ity in the review of projects and the awarding of project <br />September 2008 Project awarded to local artist <br />March 2009 Project completed <br />April - May 2009 Project installed <br />Juln�e 2009 Project celebrated and dedicated <br />Jully 2009 Planning team reviews and evaluates Creative Intersections Project, plan for fultulre <br />collaboratives to create con�n�ectionis between thie arts, civic engagement and <br />com�m�uln�ity planning. Final report sulbm�itted to MRAC. <br />Roseville is a first ring sulbulrb — a m�atulre com�m�uln�ity where tree -lined streets lead to established <br />neighborhoods and solid commercial development. Roseville is a com�m�uln�ity concerned with its <br />environment — providing ample open space, preserving its wooded areas and protecting its shorelines. <br />Roseville is a com�m�uln�ity that equlally embraces the arts and athletics — allowing opportunities to sulpport <br />and participate in a wide range of leisulre endeavors for residents and gulests of all ages. Roseville <br />2008 Metropolitan Regional Arts Council Creative Intersections Application — Roseville Parks and Recreation <br />Roseville Central Park Amphitheatre Public Art Addition <br />