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Attachment C <br />The expanded parking and increased ommr unity use is not expected to significantly <br />il <br />i'mpact the high volume traffic flow of Hamlinle. Avenue or County Road B. <br />2) Thereis no impact on community parks, and mjnl�mal impact on neighborhood streets due <br />to [ricreased community use and no 'impact on oth.ler publ�i�c facilities. T'he- County will <br />continue to maintain the site. Sewer and wat�eir usagei should not. substantially in.-crease. <br />MW ds Am <br />�dpi dF 0 <br />dF or it W <br />4F AL Adak Ak dh <br />III lip a 0 <br />40 4K AM 4h dh M d1k dL <br />dP <br />W sp <br />4F 0 mop <br />dab 4h III <br />4F ialp W a, <br />Mr OL dh or <br />mall Ak <br />ids <br />W I dd V <br />W= Am, Og <br />4) No nega guous properties is predicted, A public <br />slervilcle facility such as a library is generally considered to have a positive community <br />i , mpact. <br />5) The expanded, Roseville Library will be a. good neighbor; designed with a "Green Design <br />conscience, It. will be a well-maintained, quiet facility with no negative impact on the publ'i'c <br />hea.1th. T�he b�uilding's renovation will result i,n a more secure facility than presently exists. <br />The community's general welfare will continale to, be supported by making a wealth of <br />I 't child development and continuing on.. through. <br />edu�catioinal services available beginning wi <br />senior citizieni s4pport. <br />i) This proposed' facility, is compatible with the City ofRoseville-s Comprehensive Plan for <br />civic use and high-density residential use. <br />