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LW <br />3 <br />5 <br />6 <br />i <br />City of <br />Y.!kx <br />V ]LUILA-d Attachment D <br />afii, U S A <br />Planning Commii s,s,iion Board Meeting <br />City Council Chambers,, 2,660 Ciiviic Center Driive <br />Draft Minutes, - Wed�nes,d�ay, August 6, 2008 <br />PLANNING FILE 0 -030 <br />Request t ©r approval ©t a COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT to <br />change the land use designati ©n ©t vacant properties contiguous to the north side <br />©t the library site tr©m medium-density residential to civic uses and a GENERAL, <br />CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT to all ©w the expansi ©n ©t the Ramsey <br />County Library facility at 0 Hamline Avenue <br />Ch�aiir Bake�manI opened the Puibl�iic Hearing t®r Pl�anInIiinI g File 08-03,0; and reviiewed the <br />Puibl iic He'ariin process. <br />9 Ciity Pl�an�n�e'r Th�om�as Paschke re'viie'we'd staff; s anal siis of the re�q�uie'st by the Ramsey <br />10 Couin�ty Library to e'xpan d th�e'iir cuirre'n�t library site and faciil�iity at 2180 Hamline Ave'n�u�e', <br />11 and to change the cuirre'n�t land use de'sii gn�atiionr from Me'diiuim Deanr silty Residential to <br />12, Institutional, and a General Concept proposal to add approximately 3,0,3,00 square fe'e't to <br />13 the e'xiistiin 43,,400 square fe'e't, the majority of which will be through addiin a sector d <br />14 story. Mr. Paschke n�ote'd that the applicant was proposiin the additional of an additional <br />15 121 parkiin space's through the recconr fii guiratiionr of the e'xiistiin parkiin l�ot on the north <br />16 and e'xpande'd parkiin on the north. <br />1 7' Mr. Paschke adviise'd thl at the original structure and site iim" prove'mec'nts were construicte'd <br />18 iin 1993, as a pc'rmr iitte'd use wiith�iin the Single Fam� ill�y Residential zonne', with Dunn Broth�e'rs <br />19 Coffee Shoop and drive through on the south side of the buiiil�diin buiiil�t viia a Planed uin�iit <br />2,0 De�ve'l�opm�e'nt (PUCE) iin 1996. <br />2,1 Mr. Paschke adviise'd th�at seven (7) single-family lots have been acq�uiiire�d or we're <br />2,2, pre�viiou�sl�y owned by Ramsey Couin�ty on the north side of the library auto', h�aviin an <br />2,3 e'xiistiin land use de'sii gn�atiion of Me'diiuim De�nnsiity Residential that wou�l�d not suipport a <br />24 library. Mr. Paschke therefore adviise'd that th�iis proposal was to change the seven (7) lots <br />2,5 to be consiiste'nt with the e'xiistiin library uise', from a Me'diiuim De�nnsiity to Institutional <br />2,6 de'sii gn�atiion�. <br />2,"'7' Mr. Paschke fuirth�e'r noted that the applicant unte'nde'd to modify/enhance the south <br />2,8 parkiin area through the crc'atii ®n ®t a separate drive-thru wiind ®w for the coffee shop; <br />2,9 e'l�iim� iinatii on ®t the book return/drop-off area; removal ®t 57 on-site parkiin�g space's t® be <br />30 re'place'd with a ch�iil�dre�n�"s re'adiin�g garden and landscaped open space'; e'l�iim� iin�atiion ®t <br />31 twenty (20) on-site parkiin�g space's re'place'd with a siide'wal�k and landscaping; and the <br />32, addiitiion ®t a raiinwate'r garden, with an overall increase iin on-site parkiin�g from 213, t® 3,3,4 <br />33 space's, all ®t which will occuIr ®n the north portiion ®t the library auto'. <br />34 In order t® accommodate the ne'ce'ssary parking, 80 ®t the 110 tre'e's ®n the n�e'wl r- <br />35 acq�uiiire'd property will be re'rmove'd t® make way t®r the e'xpande'd parkiin�g Iot, with some <br />36 de'siignate'd for removal and some de'siignate'd for pre'se'rvatii on. <br />3 7' Staff re'com�m�e'nde'd APPROVAL of the re'q�uie'st for a Comprehensive Plans Land Use <br />38 De'siign�atiion� change from cuirre'nt Me'diiuim� De'nsiity Residential de'siign�atiion� to Institutional, <br />39 Pl�ansne'd Un�iit De've'l�oprme'nt with any uin�de'rl�yiin�g zoning of B-1 (Lii m�iite'd Bu�siine'ss District) to <br />40 more e'ffe'ctiive'l�y addre'ss the parce'l�"s use and to allow for consistency with corresponding <br />41 dimensional re'q�uiiire'm�e'nts; and APPROVAL of the re'q�uie'st for a GENERAL CONCEPT <br />42, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT for the Ramsey Cou�n�ty Library to allow the proposed <br />43 library e'xpan�siion at 2180 Hamline Ave'nuie'; base'd ®n the cormrme'nts and findings ouitl�iine'd <br />44, iin Sections 5 — 8, and suibje'ct t® the conditions de'taine'd iin Se'ctilon 9 ®t the staff report <br />45 date'd Auiguist 6, 2008. <br />46 Diiscuissiion� iin�cl�uide'd e'xiistiffnag uinde'rl�yiinag zoning uinde'r the e'xiistiinag Comprehensive Pl�an� <br />4`7 and the uipdate'd Plan iin proce'ss; use ®t the sine', regional draw, and impact t® the area; <br />48 iide'n�tiifiicatiion ®t the conve'rsatii on e'ase'rme'n�t iin�diicate'd ®n the site plan, bicycle parkiin�g and <br />49 se'cuiriity ®n sine'; and possible improvements t® the transit stop, in coope'ratii on with <br />50 Me'tropol�iitan Transit, for puck l�iic safety and landscaping arme'niitiie's for overall ae'sth�e'tiics of <br />51 the site and are�a. <br />Page I of 3 <br />