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Attachment D <br />Planning Commissi ©n Meeting <br />Minutes — Wednesday, August 06, 2008 <br />52, Applicant Representatives: L,ori-Anne Williams, 113,25 Summer Street, Roseville, <br />53 MN, Library Board; and Jack Poling, MS & R Architects, 710 S 2nd Street, Mpls., MN <br />54 554,01 , Project Architect; and Fred Shank, Ramsey County Property Management <br />55 Mr. Pol�iing briie'fl r re'viie'we'd e'xiistiing ve'rsu�s proposed parking con fiiguiratiion s; e'n�tryway <br />56 l�ocatiion�; e'xte'rn ®r e'l�e'vatiion rmate'riial�s; buiiil�diin�g h�e'iigh�t as re'late'd t® e'xiistiin�g and proposed <br />5 7 roof l�iin�e�s, and re'late'd t® n�e�iigh oriin�g residential prope'rtiie's; e'xiistiin�g pyramid; additional ®t <br />58 the se�con�d floor on the area ®t the buiiil�diin�g oriigiin�al�l r de'siign�e�d f ®r that addiitiion�; and <br />59 con�siide'ratiion�s t® residential n�e�iighIbors on the e'ast side ®t the l�iibrary prope'rty t® aII ®w t ®r <br />60 natural l�iigh�t. <br />61 Diiscu�ssiion iincl�uide'd the propose'd plank for Gold or Siil�ve'r LEER Certification for the <br />62, project, while consiide'riin buidge't constraiin�ts for the project. <br />63 Mr. Shank addre'sse'd the con se'rvatiion e'ase'm�e'n�t, n�otiin that iit head been Cle'are'd when <br />64 the prope'rty was puirch�ase'd by Ramsey Couin�ty and that there on�l r re'm aiin�e'd one (1) Ciity <br />65 of Roseville e'ase'rme'n�t for a water rmaiin�. <br />66 Diiscu�ssiion iincl�uide'd l�iimmiite'd change iin the buiiil�diing "s footprint, e'stiirmate'd at approximately <br />6 7' 100 square fe'e't additional; de'ciisiion�-rmakiin still uin�de'rway by Ramsey Couin�ty as t® <br />68 whe'the'r the faciil�iity wound re'rmaiin ope'n ®r be located t® a te'rmporary faciil�iity duiriin�g <br />69 construictiion�; iincl�uisiion and central l�ocatiion of the puibl�iIc e'le'vator to provide con�ve'n�iie'n�t <br />70 access; Americans with Disabilities Act (ACA provisions); and puibl�iic rme'e'tiin s h�e'l�d by <br />71 the applicant to-date. <br />72, Mr. Pol�iin briie'fl r re'viie'we'd diiscuissiion�s at two (2) open house rme'e'tiin s h�e'l�d to-date, and <br />73 comr mr uin�iity and n�e'iigh�borh�ood con ce'rn�s that dad been incorporated iimto the de'siign� <br />74 proce�ss. <br />75 Chiaiir Bake'm�an� n�ote'd the re'ce'nt landscaping and sh�ruibbe'ry iim�prove'm�e'n�ts made by the <br />76 l�iibrary, and e'xpre'sse'd h�e'r personal and the com�m�uin�iity"s appre'ciiatiion� for th�e'iir atte'n�tiion� <br />7­7 to th�iis nee'iigh�borh000d conece'rn�. <br />78 Ms. Will l iiam�s note'd the insufficiencies iin the cuirre'n�t parking availability and iits <br />79 corer fii guiratiion , and the Cou nmty"s sensitivity to the n�e'w con struicti�om a e'viiatiin�g th�ose <br />80 iinsu ffiiciie'n�ciie's. Ms. Wiil�l�iiam�s addre'sse'd rationale for addiitiion of the se'con d story, as well <br />81 as re'l�ocatiing the central entrance to e'ffiiciie'n�tl�y accommodate acce'ss from e'iith�e'r the north <br />82, or south parking are'as, and to improve pe'de'striian safe'ty wiith�iin the siite'. <br />83 Fuirth�e'r diiscuissiion iin�cl�uide'd mitigating the impacts of traffiic and vehicle h�e'adl�iigh�ts, <br />84 re'duice'd noise fro ml m�e'ch�anIi�cal�s on siite', and activities iinI the buiiil�diinIg or on site to <br />85 adjace'n�t residential prope'rtiie's and ste'ps taken iinI the de'siignI proce'ss to addre'ss th�ose <br />86 con�ce'rn�s, particularly on the cast side ®t the prope'rty; buiiil�diin ae'sth�e'tiics as well as <br />8 7' fuin�ctiion�al iity; col�or ®t the buiiil�diin ; bicycle parking and se'cuiriity; and rationale f ®r and <br />88 anal sits ®t a se'con�d story, rath�e'r than a one-story faciil�iity. <br />89 Additional diiscuissiion� iin�cl�uide'd e'l�ii m�iin�atiion� of buiiil�diin�g an�d/or site access poiin�ts With <br />90 competing u�se's; rationale t ®r a parking I ®t ve'rsuis a parking structure t ®r the site base'd <br />91 on ae'stl�e'tiics and pre'se'rvatiion� ®t green space and tre'e's; tre'e's significantly worth saviin�g <br />92, and those at the e'n�d ®t th�e'iir life e'xpe'ctancy ®r ®t a spe'cifie's n�ot appropriiate'; after-hours <br />93 use by the coffee shop, iimmprove'd pe'de'striian� safety and acce'ssii biil�iity ®t the ante', and <br />94 oundoor arme'n�iitiie's and congregate areas. <br />95 Commissioner Gottfried puirsuie'd potential iin�te're'st ®t Ramsey Couin�ty anld / ®r the <br />96 Me'tropol�iitan Council iin providing a more diire'ct access t ®r pe'de'striian�s relative t® a transit <br />9 °7 con�n�e'ctiion�, iin partiicuil�ar t® accommodate those with disabilities; and the possibility ®t <br />98 m�oviin�g the entrance on Cou ��ty Road B fuirth�e'r e'ast to reduce traffiic con�fl�iicts and safe'ty <br />99 iissuie's at the iin�te'rse'ctiion . <br />100 Ch�aiir Bal' ecmr an sui gge'ste'd the possibility of re'con�fii guiriin the poor d nee�ar the sou�th�we'st <br />101 entrance to provide additional space to relocate the parking lot entrance fuirth�e'r cast on <br />102, the ante', with Commissioner Wozn�iiak obse'rve'd that by rm oviin the entrance iit wound also <br />103 all ®w t ®r the iin�stal�l�atiion ®t a pe'de'striian access t® the l�ii brary. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />