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135 MOTION — Land Use Amendment <br />136 Member Wozniak moved, seconded by Member Gottfried t© RECOMMEND <br />13 7' APPROVAL, ©t the request t ©r a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designati ©n <br />138 change from current Medium Density Residential designati ©n t© Institutional, <br />139 Planned Unit Development with an underlying zoning ©t B-1 (Limited Business <br />140 District) to more effectively address the parcel's use and to all ©w for consistency <br />141 with corresponding dimensional requirements; based on the comments and <br />142, findings outlined in Sections 5 — 8,, and subject to the conditions detailed in <br />143 Secti ©n 9 ©t the staff report dated August 6, 200 . <br />144 Ayes: 7 <br />145 Nays: 0 <br />146 Motion carried. <br />14`7 Ch�aiir Ba ke mr an n�oted that th�iis case was sch�eduil�ed to be heeard by the Ciity Council at <br />148 th�eiir Auiguist 25, 2008 mmeetiin�g. <br />149 1 9 Other Business <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Attachment D <br />Planning Commmissi ©n Meeting <br />Minutes — Wednesday, August 06,2008, <br />104 <br />Public Comment <br />105 <br />Virginia Tschida, 224,7 Dellwood <br />106 <br />Ms. Tsch�iida joviial�l r opiin�e�d that she was one of the n�e�iigh�bors who had e�xpre�sse�d h�e�r <br />10 7' <br />dislike of the red col or cuirre�n�tl r on the l iibrary. <br />108 <br />Ms. Tsch�iida sou�gh�t clarification on the actual lots shown iin� the age�n�da packe�t rmate�riial�s, <br />109 <br />notiing that the site pl�an� showe�d that the prope�rtiie�s on l r we�n�t uip to 2240 Del l�wood, and <br />110 <br />h�e�r yard was iim�rme�diiate�l r adjace�n t. <br />ill <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that the m�ap was iin�corre�ct and shouil�d show one additional parcel <br />112, <br />to the north of 2240 Hamline Avenue as part of the l�ii brary siite�, uip to the home <br />113 <br />iim�m�e�diiate�l�y to the south of the Browns -Will�be�rt Vau�l�t Company prope�rty. <br />114 <br />Ms. Tsch�iida al�e�rte�d Ciity and Library re�pre�se�n�tatiive�s that, due to n�on�-m�aiin�taiin�e�d tree <br />115 <br />growth on the lot, and growing iimto power l iin�e�s, t�e�y e� xpe�riie�n�ce�d n�ui �e�rou�s brown�-ouits. <br />116 <br />Ms. Tsch�iida adviise�d that she had atte�n�de�d the Library informational rme�e�tiings; and she <br />11 7' <br />spoke iin� support of the proposed plan. <br />118 <br />Ch�aiir Bake�m any dosed the Puibl�iic Hearing, with n�o one else appe�ariing to spe�ak. <br />119 <br />Commissioner Doh�e�rty e�xpre�sse�d h�iis personal appre�ciiatiion of the l ii rary and iits variie�d <br />12,0 <br />mse�s; and spoke iin suipport ®t the re�q�uie�st. <br />12,1 <br />MOTION — General Concept Planned Unit Development <br />12,2, <br />Member Doherty moved, seconded by Member Ba kern an to RECOMMEND <br />12,3 <br />APPROVAL, of the request for a GENERAL, CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT <br />124 <br />DEVELOPMENT for the Ramsey County Library to allow the proposed library <br />12,5 <br />expansion at 21 0 Hamline Avenue; based on the comments and findings outlined <br />12,6 <br />in Sections 5 — 8,, and subject to the conditions detailed in Section 9 of the staff <br />12`7 <br />report dated August 6,2008,; a�mended to include the following conditions: <br />12,8 <br />Thant the applicant provide for bicycle parking and security on the improved <br />12,9 <br />site; and <br />130 <br />Thant the applicant provide for better pedestrian access to and from,, as well as <br />131 <br />within the site. <br />132, <br />Ayes: 7 <br />133 <br />Nays: 0 <br />134 <br />Motion carried. <br />135 MOTION — Land Use Amendment <br />136 Member Wozniak moved, seconded by Member Gottfried t© RECOMMEND <br />13 7' APPROVAL, ©t the request t ©r a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designati ©n <br />138 change from current Medium Density Residential designati ©n t© Institutional, <br />139 Planned Unit Development with an underlying zoning ©t B-1 (Limited Business <br />140 District) to more effectively address the parcel's use and to all ©w for consistency <br />141 with corresponding dimensional requirements; based on the comments and <br />142, findings outlined in Sections 5 — 8,, and subject to the conditions detailed in <br />143 Secti ©n 9 ©t the staff report dated August 6, 200 . <br />144 Ayes: 7 <br />145 Nays: 0 <br />146 Motion carried. <br />14`7 Ch�aiir Ba ke mr an n�oted that th�iis case was sch�eduil�ed to be heeard by the Ciity Council at <br />148 th�eiir Auiguist 25, 2008 mmeetiin�g. <br />149 1 9 Other Business <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />