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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 03/28/05 <br />Minutes - Page 16 <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her concern with the cost <br />allocation for road reconstruction, opining that Target <br />should be responsible for all costs given the City's <br />vacation of State Farm Road, and that negotiations should <br />continue to achieve those desired results. Councilmember <br />Ihlan expressed further concern that the City Council had <br />not seen the new elevations and redesign of the Target <br />parcel, and questioned why the City Council had not been <br />able to provide input to-date. Councilmember Ihlan noted <br />the numerous public concerns and comments she had <br />received regarding the building's aesthetics and lack of <br />public information at the Planning Commission or City <br />Council level for final design considerations. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Maschka expressed his personal concerns <br />regarding the "Great Wall of Target;" noting the need for a <br />future policy-level discussion on redevelopment <br />management. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder noted that the City Council did <br />have some input earlier on elevations, and requested that <br />Target break up the mass of the building, with Target <br />indicating they would do so. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz noted that Target <br />would be adding a number of treatments to improve the <br />aesthetics of the elevations; and that the building was far <br />from complete. <br /> <br />Ms. Bloom noted that the elevations and plans were <br />available at City Hall in the Community Development <br />Department; and tonight's requested action remained open <br />for infrastructure improvements for inclusion in the <br />development contract language. <br /> <br />Further discussion included sidewalk location <br />clarification; pedestrian safety improvements related to the <br />contract; lack of Council interest in paying for road <br />reconstruction, given exchange of State Farm Road right- <br />of-way vacation; and policy issues related to rezoning the <br />