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<br />Rule 6 Council Operations and Order of Business: <br /> <br />fhe Mayor shall be the presiding officer or in his/her absence, the acting mayor. The City Manager, or his/her <br />designee, may attend all council meetings and present matters before the Council. Minutes shall be prepared <br />solely by the City Council Recorder. No one should alter the Recorder's minutes lUltil read, changed, and <br />approved by the Council. Roberts Rules of Order shall be folloyved. The order of business shaH be as j~)llows: <br /> <br />1\ <br /> <br />A <br /> <br />Communications and Public Comments <br /> <br />'-". - <br /> <br />~Q_~'li_.... J3. <br /> <br />Approvalofj\;Iinutes <br /> <br />C. Consent Agenda 1,2,,, <br /> <br />D, Items Removed From Consent Agenda <br />E, Organizational Business <br /> <br />F. Reports and Recommendations <br /> <br />G, Recognitions <br />I-J, Hearings3,- <br /> <br />1. Land Use <br /> <br />J, Ordinances and Resolutions <br /> <br />K, R.eports and Recommendations (Continued, if necessary) <br />L. Items Tabled <br /> <br />wI. Other Business <br /> <br />N. Acljourmnent <br /> <br />Rille 7 Amendments to the Order of Business <br />'The Council JTl8Y., by m2\jority vote, alter the order of the published agenda of the order of business, <br /> <br />Rule 8 Pn:paration and Approval of Order of Business Agenda Hems <br />The Mayor and City Manager shall be responsible for preparation of agenda rnatters under the order of business <br />and shall reasonably accommodate the members of the council and community. Any Council members rnay request <br />an item to be placed on the agenda. The proposed agenda shaH, after additions or deletions or corrections as approved <br />by a majority of the Council have been determined, shall become the actual agenda Tor that meeting. <br /> <br />Footnotes: <br />( I) Consent items are considered as one item, requiring one motion for approval and one vote. <br />(2) Ifanyone wishes to discuss a consent item separately or vote on it as an individual action, that item can be separated fium the list and may be <br />considered with the regular agenda. The rest ofthe Consent Agenda would then be adopted with the one motion, one vote procedure, <br />(3) In matters requiring a previous public hearing before the Planning Commission, additional public comment may be accepted by the City <br />Council. <br />(4) Variances tor driveways, set backs, and other lot dimension issues, which have been the subject of public comment and/or have had split votes <br />lrom the Planning Commission after a Planning Commission public hearing, will be placed on the Land Use portion of the City Council Agenda <br />(5) Variances on which the Planning Commission held public hearings but, without public comment and have a unanimous recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission, will be placed on the City Council Consent Agenda, to be considered as generally routine in nature. <br /> <br />2 <br />