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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:21:07 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:19:13 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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202 <br />203 Member Westerberg advised that he would need to read through the entire study again. <br />204 <br />205 Member Miller, familiar with this and other studies as well, advised that the study was not longitudinal; <br />206 but noted that it did provide a mechanism to establish where nutrients can be increased through motorboat <br />207 activity; with the study stating that nutrients will be re- suspended. Member Miller clarified that the study <br />208 didn't have anything to do with long -term motorboat use, but indicated that it was one factor to consider. <br />209 Member Miller opined that, as the GLWMO was developing its Third Generation Plan, it served as one <br />210 factor in a variety of variables that can increase nutrients in a lake. <br />211 <br />212 Member Westerberg, based on his expertise and career with the Saint Paul Regional Water Utility for <br />213 thirty-four (34) years, and his observation and water quality testing of Pleasant Lake, Lake Vadnais, and <br />214 Sucker Lake, and having employed a control known as lake bottom aeration and released phosphorus, he <br />215 and other staff found reduced phosphorus loadings by 50% through restricting internal phosphorous <br />216 loading/nutrient recycling. Member Westerberg opined that this paralleled theYousef study; and served <br />217 to educate the public to realize that while it was their perception that most phosphorus was imported into <br />218 a lake, most was from internal sediments. Member Westerberg strongly opined that it was a charge of the <br />219 GLWMO to provide that education and continue to address water quality degradation as indicated. <br />220 <br />221 Chair Eckman asked Ms. Roberts if she thought there were more septic systems around Lake Owasso in <br />222 the 1950's and 1960's rather than connections to a City sewer line, and whether that may have negatively <br />223 influenced water quality at that time. <br />224 <br />225 Ms. Roberts opined that, while most homes had their own septic system, growth in the community and <br />226 more year -round homes rather than cottages used less frequently in the past, was also a contributor that <br />227 would not indicate septic systems were as big of an issue as Chair Eckman suggested. <br />228 <br />229 Member Miller noted that the previous Barr UAA also pointed out similar findings (page 48 of the <br />230 Executive Summary) and suggestions to examine motor boats and wind; with models showing <br />231 significantly higher internal loadings versus external loadings for every situation, whether a dry, wet or <br />232 average rainfall year. <br />233 <br />234 Edward Roberts, Lake Owasso Resident <br />235 Mr. Roberts questioned the form proposed allowing the public to digest GLWMO Board responses to <br />236 their written comments; and how any further clarification or understanding needed would be addressed: <br />237 whether in a public meeting or through another venue should the public be unable to attend those <br />238 meetings as indicated in the proposed timeline for Plan adoption to be acted upon at tonight's meeting. <br />239 <br />240 Mr. Petersen responded that GLWMO Board responses to written comments will be posted on the <br />241 GLWMO website once those responses are approved by the Board, with posting of the comments and <br />242 responses anticipated sometime in late September. <br />243 <br />244 Mr. Roberts questioned if this was anticipated prior to the Public Hearing. <br />245 <br />246 Mr. Petersen, Chair Eckman and Member Miller all responded affirmatively. <br />247 <br />248 Mr. Roberts reiterated his question on how the public could receive additional clarification if, upon their <br />249 review of the formal GLWMO response on the website, they still needed more information or further <br />250 clarification. <br />251 <br />252 Mr. Petersen reiterated that additional clarification could be received at the Public Hearing. <br />5 <br />
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