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AGENpA SECTION: <br />Hearings <br />R�C,�U�ST F4R C�UI�ICIL A�YIOIV aA�e: Z-?7-78 <br />�RIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Z�dm <br />DEPT.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />IT�M NO. ; ITEM DESCRtPTION� � cave & SpIIS �'�UPSt �Or rezoning frcm MGR. REVIEW�p/RECOMMEWDS: <br />t �� I�-1 to R-Z, R-4 and B-1-B and preliminazy p�.at a�. 2489 Rice ��(� <br />7.he Plann_ing Ccmarussion at its January 4, on a 4 aye and 3 nay vo�e <br />rec�ended approval of Ed Cave and Sons request £ar �ezoning frcan �1 ta R-4. <br />and B--�--B and preliminary plat at 2489 Rice Street with the following cond�tions : <br />1. �at the necessary utility easeYr�nts be provided at no cost as required <br />by the Public Works Direct�r. <br />2. Zhat an adclitio�zal fifty (50} feet of right�-o� way i�e dedicated for <br />Rice Street. <br />3. That a walking �as�ment be pravi.ded tA the park through the single <br />�arRi_1y property at fihe north end of the propased Marion S�reet. <br />4. �.at the Marion S�xeet ar�c1 Woocivridc� Street cu1 de sacs be connected <br />and that the applican� woxk with �he City s�aff to dev�lop the street plan. <br />Nate: Please see Janu�y 4, Pl�n-ing �issiolz minut�es. <br />�he Ccmmissiarz also reaa�nded denial af Mr.'s rc.�est for rezor�izig frcxn <br />R-1 ta R 2 at 2489 Ria� S�reet. <br />Mr. Sam Cave has met with the City staff regarcling cannecting the cul de sacs <br />as rec��ded in condition No, 4 above. Connecting or the t�ao ctz7, de sacs is <br />tec�u��cally feasible. (See enclased feasil�ility study} . <br />Attached is the ori.ginal Planner's Repart and a follaw-up memo daied 2-13--78 in�m <br />Ho�ward Dahlgren connecting �hhe streets. . <br />Council P�ti.� ��ested: N�tion ( {denyingj Ed Cave & Sons <br />request for rezoning frc�n R-1 t.o P 2; R-4 and <br />B-1--B an.d preliunis-�ary plat at 2489 Rice Stxeet. <br />