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February 13, 1978 <br />T0: City Councii <br />'• . . �. . - <br />SUBJF�CT: Fc1 Cave & Sons R�eq�tzest regarding fihe single family and <br />quadr�min?�ttdevelopment on Transit Avenue <br />Subsequent to the P1�n; ng Ca�nission reao�ndation regaxt%3.nq <br />Hir. Cav�'s z�qu�s�, Sam Caxre rev.iE+aed with the staff the possibility <br />of a looped stxeet ra�her than a pair of cul de sacs �or his single <br />fatrdly and quaclr�miniUm development nor�h of Transzt Street. As <br />prc�posed, he had �.3 single fami�.y units on one cul de sac, and 40 <br />quadriminium units on fihe o-ther cu1 de sac. This produces a�ta1 of <br />53 units. A�oop street �ncept wau]r� prod.uee 13 single �amily uni_ts, 6 <br />�,plex units and 32 quadrimi n; um ,?r�-i ts, for a total of 51 unit�. <br />We suggest that t-he loss of the two ur�its is not a signifz.cant factar. We <br />do feei v�ry strongly, hawever, 'that the sepaxatian of these two hc3�asing <br />forms by the use of a pair o£ c�l de sacs, is very injpoxtant. You ar� all <br />aware, qf caurse, of the fact that practically every sing hc� <br />pux�chaser (when given a choice) pre�ers to l.ive on a cuI de sac. In spite <br />of that, we have not encouraged cul de sacs i� at-her syst�ns will work. <br />Tn this case, however, we feel tha� the quality of the single �aan�Iy homes <br />and their single ��nily environ�nt is considerably enhanced if a cu� de <br />sac is used and �hey are sEgarated fzrom the veh�cular tra�'fic involvinq <br />the quadriniinzum hc�es . <br />�� <br />It is alsa ttu� that people pu� the quadr�n�_n_i�un units prefer to <br />purchase fhem when Ioca�ed on cu1 de sacs. Driveway arrangemQ�ts to the <br />double garages �hat are part of each quadrimin;um unzt work esr[-rPmPly <br />well on a cul de sac system. The larger qt�d�'�mini� stz'tictux�s (usual.�.y <br />44 feet x 80 fe�t) appear less massive when sited around the circle on a <br />cu� de sac as we11. <br />In thys case, havever, perhaps the mr�st cc�+pe]ling reason for utilizing <br />the two cul de sacs, is tt�at there is an attractiv� wooded axea at the <br />north end Qf this PropertY (be�ween the two cul de sacs} which woulcl be <br />subsiantially des-t-xnyed if a loop street is constr�ct,ed, We can <br />sympathize wi�h the o£ plowing a cu� de sac, but in this cas�, <br />we strongZy suggest that the use of the cu3. de sacs creates the best <br />possibZe condition in encouxaging a civality develapment bath �n terit�s <br />of the single family horr� and the quadri mi ni u� arid retai n� �� natvra� <br />qualities o� the sztE, (principally the tr�s) in the best conditi.o�. <br />