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MEETING <br />f������T rO�[ �.rv��k��� ��T��� DATE: 1������ <br />AGF_tVDA SECTI�N; DRkGINATING DEPT_/DIV.: DEPT. HE�APQROVAL. <br />t Hearings Administrat�o� �.i <br />kT�M NO.: lYEM DESCRIPTIflN' KQFI R2inhard� rec�uest for �lnc�� ��d� a�nroval MGR. REVtEWED/RECOMMENp$: <br />���. "�.en Pei n��arc!t Addi ti an �3" at a�r�ut ��?7 Sherr�r . ��� <br />Tf-:e PZ�nnin❑ Cor�mission at its iloverr�ber 5 meetinc� �ir.anir�ousl~1�encled <br />approval ofvf�!r. Reinhardt's reRUest f�r ;�re�iminar�r �1a� "F;en R�inhardt <br />�dcli ti on �3" . The Caunci 1 a�proved the nrel i mi nar�� p l at at i ts �iaven�er <br />1�J meeii ng and cortti nuec4 the heari n� �n the fi nal pi at fror� the neeti ngs <br />of December 8�nd 29 because the hard sF�e71s had no± bee� received. The;� <br />stilT have nat been com�leted. <br />Attact�ed �s the Pian�er's report. <br />COl7NCIL ACTION RE�?�1ESTED: <br />h":otion (a�provinq) (denying) (continuing} Ken Re�ni�ardt's renuest for final <br />plat a�proval "Ken P,einhardt �l�d�tion �3" at about �07 S}zerren_ <br />