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0 <br />d <br />Case Numt�er: 957-76 <br />�Narch 3, 1976 <br />SPECIAL USE PER3�1IT <br />Page Three <br />I,. Drawing Number 3 attached to this report �ndicates the proposed <br />expansion of the truck terminal facilities and paricing area <br />for which the special use permit is requested. The total building <br />area to be added fior terminal purposes is approx�mately 12�,OpD <br />square feet. T'here wi11 also be an additiona� 11,700 square fe�t <br />of addition �o the mainter�ance build-ing lacated east 4f the <br />existing trucic terminal. <br />2. You wi17 notice thai �he truck -terminal,expansion is substantially <br />different from that proposed a year ago. The prev�ous pro}�osal <br />was for the extensian of an 80 foat deep truck ierminal facility <br />simi�ar to the existing buildng on the s�te. You tv-i17 note, however, <br />that the new expansion to the ��rest is bui7t with a buiTding deptf� <br />of Z65 feet. 7he additional 85 feet is for �he accommadation of <br />inside load-ing and unloading of vehicles or� the narth side of the <br />bui ldi ng. ''�fihat i s to say, ihe trucks wi i� be parked � ns i de the <br />terminal, substantially reducing naises relating to tne loading and <br />� unloading of vehicles. <br />3. A number of conditians are suggested <br />at�ached to the special use permii. <br />to the tata7 development at the end <br />, <br />STREET VACATiON AND DEDICATION <br />for your consideration to be <br />These are 1isted as they apply <br />of this report. <br />1. The applicant requests �he vacation that port�on of the hal� right-- <br />of-way for Pr�or Aven�e beyond {north of) the existing Prior <br />Avenue in front of the l�yman Nfotor Freight ierminal as it gxists <br />today. As recommended by the Public Works Director, the applicant <br />agrees to dedicate an area 50 by 100 feei on the east�rly Side of <br />the existing right-of-way for cul-de-sac purposes.. <br />Z. Qn the �vesterly side of the property, portians of Mt. Ridge <br />have been dedicated but not built. The abp�icant agrees to <br />dedicate an additional 30 feet af right-of-way south o� Iona <br />and an addi ti ona� 1� feet of ri ght--of 4ray_ north of Ior�a !_.ane <br />as ta constitute a full 60 foat righ�-of-way for this street <br />fiuture circuiation {�urpQSes. <br />'�.� <br />L. ane <br />so <br />for <br />3. The owr�er of the praperty at the southwest zntersection of Iona <br />Lane and �It. Ridge Road has ir�dicated interest in main�aining <br />these rights-of-way for fuiure construction. We suggest �he <br />dedicatian of rights-of-way for Mr. Ridge Road are impartant at t3�is <br />time so as to provide for ihe ultimate develapment of vacan� or <br />par�ially vacant parcels contiguous to �his right-of-way from <br />County Road C to C-2 ir� the future. <br />4. In the event that County Road C-2 is removed as a thoroughfare <br />crossing Langton Lake, a provis�on for routing this traffic (east <br />bound from C7eveland Avenue) down Mt. RidgE road enhances our <br />