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� <br />• Case Number: 957-76 <br />��larch 3, 197b <br />Page Four <br />d <br />ability to limit the use af County Road C-2 for industrial <br />purposes. We suggest thai this Vaould be helpful to �i�e integrity <br />and environment of the resident-ial area on the eas-� 5ide of Langton <br />Lake. For ecoloqica� reasons, however, it may not be necessary <br />or desireable to phys�cally rerr�ove all of the fill accommodaing <br />the exist-ing Caun�y Road C-2 across Langtor� Lalce. Irrespective of <br />th�s issue, it is important to ob�ain the additional r3ght-of-way <br />far the ultimate cons�ruction of Mt. Ridge Road at this �ime. <br />DRAINAGE <br />�. 7he apprapriate handling o�F drainage is a most ir��portan� �lement of <br />the total solution in this case because of it's impact on Langton <br />Lake. The appiicant and his consultinc� engineer have met with the <br />Ri ce Creek Watershed Di stri ct n3anagers and thei r consul tants revi e�•ri ng <br />the propased drainage plan. The Board of Managers of the i•ratershed <br />district Y`eapproved the "conceptual permit for the �IK Terminal, <br />No. 75-4"'at their meeting of February 11, 1976. Th�s permit <br />improves a cond3tion that inter�m ponding be provided sufficient <br />'�o store a 1� year storm with a baffle �o ailow overflow at a rate <br />of not mare than .5 feet per second. <br />2. The design for most of �he site is based on the use of a"baffle" <br />recommended by the Rice Creek Waiershed consulting engineers. The <br />lacation and function af these baff7es as i� relates �o the termina� <br />site will be illustrated with large scale drawings and explained by <br />the d�Q�1Cd11��5 consultant at the hearing. Charlie �-IoncheTl and <br />Terry Kramer have re�iewed the proposals extensively with the <br />app��cant's consultani. Their camments wi31 be appropr�ate ai th� <br />meeting. <br />3. Attached to this report in Dravring No. + is a sma31 scale map of the <br />overal� drainage district for Langton Lake. This d�strict is a part <br />af an anaiysis conducted by your City consulting engineers relating <br />to an overall storm drainage plan for the Ci�y of Roseville. Yau <br />will note, that the property in ques�ion is but a small part of the <br />overall drainage pattern, same of which flows through th� property <br />in question from �he south tQ Langtan La�e. _Thus, any drainage <br />solution 'For the applicant's property must involve the determination <br />of a final drainage plan for the Lar�gton Lake Sasin. We 5uggest <br />therefore,that it is very important for the Pl�nning Con�mission and <br />Caunci1 to give seriaus consideration to initiating a fieasibility <br />stud�� to incorporate a total drainage solution to the Langton Lake <br />Basin a-� the time a decision is made on the application in quesiion. <br />4. Mr. Hanchell nates that if the conditions relevant to drainage <br />are a�tached as a r�art of any approval considered to this application, <br />iniiial developmer�� of the term�nal facilities could proceed while <br />a drainage feasibility study for the area is in progress. <br />