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Case Numb�r: 965-76 <br />P�iay 5, 1976 Page 7wo <br />5. Attached �s a copy o-F �he previo�,�siy prepar�d report 4thich basically <br />outlines the planning consideratiars involved in the overall proposa�f. <br />Also at�ached is a copy of Allied S�ores' 7etter regarding the <br />pro�osed �ses and deed restric�ian �o '�h2 B-1 proper�ies, a copy o-F <br />the proposed restriction i-�seIf, ar� a copy of the ietter endarsing <br />the County Road B improvemeni at N�Msche7 Street. <br />6. We sugg�st that the proposed limi-�aLion to B-1 uses is in conformanc� <br />v�rz�.h ti�� arigina1 plan cantinuaus�y �ursued by the applicant artd <br />the Ci�y t�ese past 25 years and r��r�sents the most appropria�e <br />zone and us� for the land. Th4 ne��i;�ors to the west feit sn <br />strongly about thi5 paint in 1950 t.;3� th�y threatened a law suit <br />to insist tna-� all fihe land remain �� this category. So, �he q�estio� <br />no�r is one of ti�h�ther or not a majo�r retail faciTity cantig�ous �o <br />Hightiva� 35 �an the south s�de) is cc:;�patible tivith the proposed B-�. <br />areas con�iguocas and the strong quali�.y of residential instituti_ons <br />and residentia1 uses estabiished in �his sauth�resfi q�adrant o�F the <br />City oi RoseviTle. <br />