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<br />Special Joint Study Session: Roseville Citizen Commission Chairs, Department Heads, City Council <br />Saturday, 02/07/04, Harriet Alexander Nature Center, 2520 North Dale Street, Roseville, MN <br />Discussion Notes - Page 23 <br /> <br />Further discussion included establishing a capital <br />improvement sinking fund on the newly-renovated City Hall <br />campus buildings, to provide for replacement/renovation <br />issues in the future. Finance Director Miller noted that $1 <br />Million of the renovation funding for the facility was <br />coming from the facility Reserve Fund that had been <br />established a number of years ago. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing identified another issue would be to <br />look at capital building replacement in the long-term. <br /> <br />Further discussion included completion of the pathway <br />system; with Mr. Schwartz advising that grant funds are still <br />in MnDOT's hands, and the money could be tapped through <br />the end of 2004, but required a local match of approximately <br />$400,000. Mr. Schwartz noted that much of the pathway <br />areas are in need of replacement, and several had lighting <br />Issues. <br /> <br />b. <br /> <br />Public Works and Transportation Commission Chair <br />Doug Wilke <br />Mr. Wilke participated in discussion, but had no formal <br />presentation. <br /> <br />Public Works and <br />Transportation <br />Commission Chair <br />Doug Wilke <br /> <br />9. Parks and Recreation Services Parks and <br />Presenter: Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke and Recreation Services <br />Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Gail Pederson. <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />Mr. Brokke noted that the department's material was <br />collated from discussions with the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission and staff. <br /> <br />St th <br /> <br />ren21 s <br />1. Relati onshi psi co llabora ti on with agencies/groups <br /> (i.e., Roseville Visitors Association; schools; <br /> affiliated groups; Community Education; private <br /> businesses) <br />2. Large number of dedicated professional volunteers <br /> and City staff <br /> <br />Presenter: Parks <br />and Recreation <br />Director Lonnie <br />Brokke <br />