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/• ' <br />Case iVumber: 89� , 75 <br />June 4, 1975 <br />In this sense, it cou�d g�nerally b <br />represents an asse� to tr�e ex�sting <br />Street to the nor�h. ihe praposal <br />of a comp1eie CU�-CI�-SdC circle at <br />ti�rou�d likely be an advaniage in the <br />Page Tara <br />e construed that �f�e proposal <br />sinq�e fami7y horr�es on 41i.�der <br />a7so contemplates the develop�ent <br />the end of 4Jilder Street v�rf�ic� <br />terms of tf�e t�rn around abiliiy. <br />4. The dev��o�ment praposal to the sou'th ofi tn� proposed single family <br />housing �otirever, represen'ts a nore controversial issue. 7he o�fice <br />war�house building pr_oposed nas offices on tne north sid� of tt�e <br />bui1di�g and -�he west side. These offices wi11 have ��ro entrances <br />to the bu� l dz ng o-ff of the Cl evel and Aver�u° si de and �hree on - <br />the north side. A landscaped area is provided contiguous to the <br />buiiding on these sides adjacen� to parking prapased in a sing�e <br />roti� on the 4��est and north sides. The proposed structure is a sing7e <br />story, and thus may have some advantages in te rrns of �ts v�sual <br />rei ati onshi p�� the si ngl e-Far�i ly area versus a thre� story a�ar�men-� <br />development as previo�sly proposed. The re7ationship between this <br />pro�osed use and the propased single fami�y area to the north can of <br />course, be better ap�reciated wh�n vieY�ing the larger scale dratirings <br />to be presented at the hearings. + <br />5. Actual�y the more serious implica�ions of ihe rezoning proposal as <br />submitted are its impac� upon the ul�imate land use both to the <br />east and �he south. The 1909 Comprehensl�te P�an recammended industria� <br />zone �o the southside of Lydia Avenu� as extended east-�rrest to <br />Cleveland Avenue. 7he area to ihe nnrth, including the.lot�er southerly <br />tv�ro thirds of the property in guestion ti•ras recommended for apar�en� <br />development betwe�n Cleveland Avenue and the schaol site to �he �ast. <br />The origianal proposal for apartr�ent development conform quite closely <br />to t�a� concept. <br />6. It wauld appear that approva� of the I-1 �one at propased in this <br />apQlication, would likely indica�e �he extension of tne industr�al <br />zone fon tF�e property frar� i.yd�a Avenue to the soutl� 1ine of the <br />pro�erty in question and on the eas� side of the proposed indusi- <br />rial�tween tne property in ques��on an� tne pooi si-�e. Tnis <br />of course wou1d affect the uitimate �se of Parcels A and C located <br />to the east of the si�e 111 question, par�icularly as it reia�es to <br />the sou-�herly 356 feet of these parcles. I� these parce�s are <br />canter�z�lated for future industt�ra7 develo�ment then �he question <br />of vehicu�ar circu7ation as Gould re�ate -�o these parcels becom�s <br />of considerabie cancern. 7he de�relop�ent of the souther1y 356 -Feet <br />o-F Parcei A and C for indus�ri al purposes cou7 d�rrell requi re �he <br />development af an eas�--tirest street a� the south line of the property <br />in question which might then be extended southerly to Lydia Ave�ue, <br />or perhaps to the north boundary of thz I-1 zone approximate�y 230 _ <br />fezt south o-f Lydia Avenu� as extended. Larg�r sca3e drativings of <br />these im�lications wi11 be presented a't the hearings to assisst the <br />