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��_ <br />RE�L PROPERTY �EASE <br />BE'�rVE�N <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />� <br />R�NISEY COIJN`I'k� <br />This lease is made between the Ciiy of RosetiTil.Ie, a <br />munici.pal coxporation o� the State of NLinnesata, having its princai�al <br />office at Rosevill.e City Hall, 270I North Lexir�gton Avenue, Roseville, <br />M�innesota, 55113 (the t'lessor") and Ramsey County, a poli�ical sub- <br />division of the State of R'[innesota, having its pxincipal office at <br />Room 328, Ramsey County Caurt House, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 {the <br />"lessee"), <br />The lessor and the iessee agxee that: <br />1, PRE�IISES. The lessor hereby leases to the l.essee the certain <br />rooms in the existing Rosevil].e City HaTl now clesignat�d as: <br />(a) Juc�ge� s offcice and Fx].es Room adj acen� ta the Council <br />Chambexs and Conference Ronm across from Cauncil C.hambers <br />excltasive of any furnishings; and <br />(b) Council Chambers Room with furnishings, on an excltasive <br />righ�-of-first-iase basis, from 8:�30 At� to 5:00 Pi�I Monday <br />through Friday and fram 5:00 P1�4 to 12:00 r�i�dnight on <br />'l� day ; and <br />(c) Court C1erk's of£ice on ar� exclusive righ�-of-£irst-use <br />basis during those periods when a jury is sitting, <br />to be used for a courtroom, chambers , ar�d p�-poses related. thereto. <br />2. TERM. The lessee shall have and hold the prernises with iheir <br />appux'tenan�es for a term beginning on January I, 1.975, and ending <br />an December �1, 1975. <br />3. RENT. The lessee shall pay the Iessor a rent of $572 per monfih in <br />advance when billed therefar. <br />r�. SERVICES TO BE FUR�`dIS�IED. The lessor shall furnish (in the same <br />manner as �o the rest of the building) to th� lessee and as part <br />vf rhe renta� consideration the following services and utilities: <br />hea�, air cvnclitioning, general janiiorial and cleaning service, <br />parking, toilet faci�ities, �he use of entry halls and the use of the <br />lessorTs enployees' lounge by lessee's employees. Switchboard and <br />telephone services may be provided at the option of the lessox -through <br />Iessor's eqi.tipment at a monthly rate �o be estab 1�shed by Noxthwestern <br />Be11 and paid manth�y by lessee �n addition to rent. Cost of a�.l <br />equipment charges and extraordinaxy costs wi�l. be borne by lessee. <br />