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5, MAI1�'TENANGE, The lessor sha11 maintain the pxemises and property <br />fuxnished imder this lease in good repair and tenantable condition <br />during the continuance of this �.ease. Lessee shall be responsible <br />£or the xepaix of any damage due �o negligence or acts of the lessee's <br />agents or employees. For -�he puxpose of rtaintaining the premises and <br />propexty, the lessor may entex and inspect �he premises and make <br />�ecessary repairs thereto at reasonab].� times. <br />6, I3AI+�iAGE BY FIRE OR 0'��R Cl15UALTY. If ihe premzses are destroyed by <br />fire ar other casualiy, this lease shall amr.iediately texmi.nate. In <br />case of par�ial destxuction or damage, so as to render the premises <br />untenantable as determined by the lessee, the lessee may texminate <br />the lease by giving wxiiten notice to the lessor iJithin 15 days there- <br />aftex. I£ so terminated, no rent shall accrue to the lessor after the <br />partial des�ruc�ion or clamage. I£ not so te�ninated, the ren� shall be <br />redz�ced proporiionately by a lease supplemen�al hexe-to e��ective from <br />the date af ihe partial destructian or damage. <br />7, AL,TERATIONS. The lessee may make alterations, attach fixtures or signs <br />and erect stru��ures in or upon �he leased premises, a11 of which sha11 <br />be the property af the J.essee. Any such wark raquired by lessee shall <br />be su3�ject ta approval a£ lessor, which approval sha11 not be unreason- <br />ably withhe�d, conditianed upon all costs of such work being pai.d by <br />lessee. - <br />g. ADD7TIONAL COSTS. Unless specifically assigned above, any other cast <br />a��endant to or resuZting from the activities of the lessee will be <br />bvrne by the �essee. <br />XN tiYI'TNESS L'+lf-�REOF, the parties hereto have affixed their names as af the <br />da�te f irs t ab ove written. <br />CITY OF RQS�FLLE <br />By <br />Nlayor <br />� Manager <br />ATTEST : <br />RAA�.SE1' CO[JNTY <br />By <br />aix-man of the Board of <br />Cournty Commissioners <br />By <br />1er o t�ze Boar o£ Goiuity <br />Conm�.s sionexs <br />RAI�;SEY COUiV"I'Y MiINIGIPAL COURT <br />�Y <br />Court Admi�istrator <br />