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<br />Community Town Hall Meeting - 04/26/04 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />Council in prioritizing services and programs during this process. <br /> <br />There were approximately 75 residents in attendance, including <br />representatives of Citizen Advisory Commissions; not inclusive <br />of staff in attendance to represent various City Departments and <br />provide information on volunteer opportunities within the <br />communi ty. <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />Hear from Residents <br />Staff had prepared a written survey to provide a format for <br />residents to address comments to the City Council and staff. <br />Questions included: <br />I) What services does the City of Roseville do well? <br />2) What services can the City improve? How could the <br />City improve those services? <br />3) What programs or services do you think the City should <br />discontinue? <br />4) What programs or services would you like the City to <br />add? <br />5) Any other issues or comments that you would like to <br />share with the City Council? <br /> <br />Additional communication questions included: <br />I) How did you hear about tonight's meeting? <br />2) What other things do you suggest the City can do to get <br />input from the community? <br />3) Do you use the City's website? And if so, what is most <br />useful? <br /> <br />Comment post cards were also available at each of the <br />department tables for residents to share compliments or concerns <br />about a specific department; along with staff business cards. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing then invited residents to voice their comments <br />to the Council on their priorities for the community. <br /> <br />A. Unidentified Audience Member (Male) <br />The gentleman requested clarification on the process for <br />following up on citizen complaints to the Police <br />Department. <br /> <br />Hear from <br />Residents <br />