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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 07/26/04 <br />Minutes - Page 18 <br /> <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the City's existing parking requirements <br />of one parking stall for every three and one-half seats in the <br />facility; noting that the applicant exceeded the City's <br />requirements, but should their demand be greater than what the <br />code takes into consideration, the applicant would need to return <br />to the Planning Commission and the City Council to request the <br />additional and their requested 18 stalls. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the City's parking <br />requirements related to tree removal and/or retention of green <br />space, while meeting demands; existing proof of parking <br />requirements under City code; costs to the applicant for future <br />parking lot expansion; and the City's inability to restrict property <br />owners in preservation or removal of trees on their private <br />property, if impervious surface requirements are adhered to. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan suggested that the City Council may need <br />to consider a tree ordinance at a later date, and questioned <br />whether the City could be flexible under current code. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson opined that tonight's action was not <br />consideration of a variance; noting that the City's code clearly <br />stated the minimum number of stalls on site; and that the policy <br />established by a past Council, and supported by traffic and <br />engineering studies were probably related to safety concerns and <br />traffic congestion. Mr. Anderson concurred with Mr. Paschke's <br />comments related to the City attempting to significantly restrict <br />an property owner's use of their private property, when the <br />applicant met all requirements for granting the CUP; and <br />encouraged the City Council adhere to theirobjective standards. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Councilmember Ihlan' s concerns as <br />to whether the City required more parking on-site than required; <br />noting that this was an unusual situation where the neighborhood <br />was supporting less off-street parking and more on-street <br />parking, when the opposite was more frequently heard. Mayor <br />Klausing noted, however, that future discussion of a policy <br />attempting to strike a balance was not within the context of the <br />application under consideration tonight. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan duly noted the limitations of <br />