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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 07/26/04 <br />Minutes - Page 25 <br /> <br />Determining that the Land at 2012 Eldridge Avenue (the Wu <br />Property) Contains a Structurally Substandard Building and <br />may be Included in a Future Tax Increment Finance (TIF) <br />District in Order to Reimburse Taxpayers for Public <br />Expenditures Incurred in this Matter (HF 0020). <br />City Economic Developer Cathy Bennett reviewed tonight's <br />request, at the recommendation of the City's Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Attorney Jim Casserly and the <br />HRA Board. Ms. Bennett noted that this action did not obligate <br />the City to create a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District, but <br />due to the substandard structure on the parcel, the City could <br />reserve the blighted property status, in conjunction with the <br />findings of the HRA, for a period of three years. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing opined his support of the general concept; <br />however, expressed his concern over the HRA's use of Eminent <br />Domain proceedings. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett reviewed the substantive history of this vacant <br />property with an absent property owner, and the many attempts <br />over the last 10 years to work with the property owner to <br />demolish the home and remove the safety hazard, continuing <br />abatements and code enforcement issues. Ms. Bennett noted <br />that, after all other recourse failed, the HRA adopted a resolution <br />to acquire the property by use of eminent domain under its <br />statutory authority under Minnesota State 469.012. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett noted that, prior to this action, and in response to <br />continuing concerns of the neighbors, the City received a court <br />order to perform an interior investigation, and findings <br />substantiated neighborhood concerns related to rodents and <br />safety issues, at which time the Certificate of Occupancy was <br />revoked and remains in force. Ms. Bennett noted that further <br />attempts to work with the property owner, or for the HRA to <br />purchase the property at fair market value have proven <br />ineffective. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the HRA's use of Eminent Domain <br />procedures. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson opined, after review of the actions to- <br /> <br />2012 Eldridge <br />Avenue (Wu <br />Property) <br />Structurally <br />Substandard <br />Building <br />(HF 0020) <br />