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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/23/04 <br />Minutes - Page 31 <br /> <br />ordinance for Council consideration. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued, with Council consensus <br />that the HRA and Council representatives need to meet <br />and determine how to approach the various issues <br />identified during tonight's discussion, prior to staff <br />being given further direction. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets advised that he was interpreting <br />Council consensus comments to indicate that staff will <br />await further direction from the City Council as to <br />when the issues should be put on a future Council <br />agenda. <br /> <br />Councilmembers concurred. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that while tonight's <br />discussion provided sufficient rationale for continuing <br />to pursue programs, she remained unsure of whether <br />those programs should be pursued through the HRA or <br />not. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that she <br />would be more comfortable with those programs being <br />addressed through the City's existing Community <br />Development and Code Enforcement Departments; <br />and strongly supported further pursuit as a Council <br />policy issue. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing, on behalf of the City Council, <br />thanked the HRA Commissioners for their attendance, <br />participation, and work on behalf of the City to-date. <br /> <br />No formal action. <br /> <br />H. Provide Direction on Proposed Program Additions: Provide Direction <br />Prior to further discussion of possible rental licensing; on Proposed <br />housing maintenance code creation and adoption; or Program Additions <br />addressing housing for families with young children, <br />Mayor Klausing requested that the City Council allow <br />time for representatives of the City Council and HRA, <br />along with staff, to meet and formulate a process. <br />