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Regular City Council Minutes - 8/18103 <br />Page 16 <br />proposed concept, which had more density and a larger <br />footprint. Mr. Moser advised that this revised concept <br />plan had been reduced in density and size and was a result <br />of concerns expressed by neighbors at the informational <br />meeting, and in writing. Mr. Moser recognized the <br />environmental concerns expressed by Councilmembers; <br />and assured everyone that the developer had anticipated <br />environmental issues, and planned to address <br />environmental concerns; but opined that an expensive <br />EAW process was not needed. Mr. Moser further assured <br />those present that the developer was more than willing to <br />address Council concerns, and further review them with <br />their engineers, and that the project met or exceeded codes <br />related to setbacks and impervious surfaces, as they sought <br />to be sensitive to those areas. Mr. Moser opined that the <br />only reason the PUD application is coming before the <br />Council for discussion is due to slope and perceived <br />erosion control issues, which had been calculated by their <br />engineers to estimate runoff. Mr. Moser stated that <br />addition of a storm water retention pond would more <br />dramatically affect area trees, vegetation and wetlands. <br />Mr. Moser encouraged Councilmembers to conditionally <br />approve the Concept Plan tonight, allowing the developer <br />to move forward, stipulating that they address Council <br />concerns. <br />Councilmembers were unable to reach a consensus on <br />whether an EAW was reasonable, or if it was beyond the <br />scope of this project. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn encouraged concerned citizens to <br />contact Mr. Paschke by phone at 651-490-2236 or by e- <br />mail at <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Klausing, Kough, Maschka and Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: Schroeder. <br />VIII. Reports and Recommendations Reports and <br />Recommendations <br />