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Regular City Council Minutes -10/13/03 <br />Page 11 <br />preferences for 2004 Budget revisions and reductions, <br />requesting verification from staff on Cost of Living <br />Adjustment (COLA) salary figures; and concurred with <br />Councilmember Kough's support for a moratorium on Fire <br />Department purchases and hiring until further review of <br />the department had been completed. <br />Councilmember Klausing concurred with previous <br />corriment regarding the advantages of discussing the <br />budget process, and sought clarification from <br />Councilmembers Kough and Schroeder for several <br />specific recommendations (i.e., elimination of the <br />municipal Primary election; elimination of the leaf <br />program and stormwater drainage; community survey <br />costs, cable franchise fees and their relationship to General <br />Levy revenues and expenlses). Councilmember Klausing <br />concurred Wltrl a IlUrllber of recorrrrr~elidatioris, but <br />expressed concern with several items, opining that <br />Councilmembers had made a good start on finding <br />consensus. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn reviewed several areas of consensus in <br />theory, but needing clarification by staff of actual line item <br />expenses. <br />Councilmember Maschka concurred with a maj ority of the <br />reconllnendations, comparing his reconunendations with <br />those of other Councilmembers, opining his support for <br />suspending operations at the wading pool, but willingness <br />to discuss the item further. Councilmember Maschka <br />noted that an area requiring further discussion was the <br />continued aggressive skate park operations. <br />Finance Director Miller was asked to review Council <br />corrlment and provide accurate numbers for those areas <br />under discussion, specifically noting overtime estimates <br />for the aggressive skate park, and consistency throughout <br />the various budget areas. <br />Further discussion included an increase in the City's <br />insurance deductible and/or reduction in premiums with <br />