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<br />Regular City Council Minutes -10/20/03 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />wouldn't replace the size and development of the mature <br />trees being removed, but the developer had addressed <br />imn1ediate screening needs in an attempt to place new <br />trees in n10re favorable locations to screen objectionable <br />portions of the condominium building. <br /> <br />Mayor I(ysylyczyn recognized those audience members <br />wishing to comment on the proj ect <br /> <br />Ron W arness (east side of development), 1945 Midland <br />Hills Road <br />Mr. Wan1ess spoke in support of the project as being good <br />for the city and neighborhood. <br /> <br />Richard Snyder, 2269 Roselawn Avenue <br />Mr. Snyder noted that the developer, United Properties, <br />had involved the neighborhood in meetings from the <br />beginning of the project and had done a good job of <br />comn1unicating. Mr. Snyder noted that, while he is <br />currently selling his home, the timing wasn't related to the <br />project and new owners should have no issues with the <br />project; opining that it was a good project. <br /> <br />Ed Sukoff, 1974 Midland Hills Road <br />Mr. Sukoff noted that other people who were concerned <br />about the project were not in attendance, as they were of <br />the opinion that it wouldn't do any good. Mr. Sukoff noted <br />that a n1ajority of those people were located across the <br />street on the east side of Roselawn, and were not <br />appreciative of the impact to the neighborhood. Mr. <br />Sukoff stated that he and his neighbors were not against <br />the proj ect, but hoped the Council would vote to soften its <br />in1pact to the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Sukoff spoke to the mass of the proposed <br />redevelopn1ent; winter excavation and elimination of a <br />substantial number of mature trees, and suggested that the <br />developer use better types of trees for water runoff, rather <br />than for aesthetics. Mr. Sukoff also spoke to the height of <br />the condon1inium building. <br />