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Aesthetics and beauty are essential requirements and will be a common <br />quality throughout all facilities and leisure areas. This will be <br />especially important for a city which has a high level of commercial <br />development and is criss-crossed by arterial highways. <br />Formalized interagency cooperation between all levels of volunteer <br />agencies, county, state, school districts and city govexnment will be <br />essential to maximize the mutual benefits to the community and the <br />agencies. <br />This vision can become a reality by developing a comprehensive master <br />plan for financing and implementing the maintenance of existing facil- <br />ities; acquiring property; developing new parks and trails/pathways; <br />construct�ng new facilities; and creating new programs based on <br />priorities established by representative commissians. <br />GOALS � RATIONAL AND STRATEGIES <br />P�S <br />GOAL- <br />Our goal for parks for the present time and into the next century is <br />for Roseville to maintain and expand the public spaces that offer <br />leisure facilities and activities. <br />RATIONALL' <br />We believe that <br />2000 and beyond <br />and quality. <br />STItATEGIES - <br />the parks of today will not be sufficient in the year <br />because of their number, lacation, type, availability <br />1. Upgrade athletic fields through such techniques as irri- <br />gation, lighting for se�ect fields (softball, football and soccer} and <br />the lengthening of ballfield fences to regulation size. <br />2. Build new athletic fields, thus allowing existing fields to be set <br />aside for renovation and rest. . <br />3. Create "Vest Pocket" neighborhood parks allowing .leisure opportu- <br /> closer to home and maximizing open space availabi].ity for a�l <br />ages. <br />4. Add leisure amenities such as sand volleyball, bocce ball courts, <br />tennis courts, outdoor basketball courts, and wading/spray pools. <br />5. Develop legal agreements with other public agencies within the <br />community far the rights ta acquire excess public �and or facilities, <br />thus xetaining them for comm�xnity use. <br />z <br />
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