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Strategies: <br />a. Enforce a curfew ordinance consistently throughout the comm�nity. <br />b. Develop and train neighborhood watch groups in i00% of Roseville <br />neighborhoods and to assist snch groups in remaining active and <br />visible. <br />c. Develop and implement comprchensive leisure program options for schaol- <br />age children and youth with emphasis upon non-athletic aliematives. To ensure <br />accessibility, a means for transportation to and from activities should be <br />developed. <br />d. Assist in the development of licensed, affordable child�ar� options within the <br />community, especially during non-school hours. <br />e. Assist in the development of intervention pro�s for at-risk children and <br />youth. <br />f. Employ intensive educadon programs on safety practices and conseqnences of <br />committing crime. <br />g. Support the work of juveni�e liaison officers in our schools. <br />h. Assist in securing heIp for those citizens with compulsive addicrive behaviors <br />{drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.). <br />i. Increase the nurnber of McGruff safe houses for children to one per block. <br />j. Enhance personal security in pubiic places such as parks, recreational areas, <br />and mass transit "park and ride" sites tiirough augmented lighting, emergency <br />access phones and other state-of-the-art technologies. <br />k. Increase police visibility throughout the community to establish closer <br />relationships with ncighborhoods and to discourage offenders from attempting <br />to coinmit crime in Roseville. <br />1. Work with surrounding commuruties to follow suit in employing similar crime <br />prevention st�ategies to those used in Roseville. <br />B. Emergeney Preparedness <br />Objective: Expand the capabilides of the communit}+ to respond to civil and <br />natural emergencies. <br />Strategies: <br />1. Continue work on anticipating and preparing for potential civil and <br />natnral emergencies.. <br />2. Establish a meti�od for giving warning notification to every household and <br />business, inside as well a� outside. <br />3 <br />