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,� <br />ground waters. <br />Subd. 10. Dispos�l facFlity. "Disposal faci�ity" <br />means a was�e faei�ity permirted by the agericy that is designec! <br />or operated for the purpose of disposinq of waste on or zn the <br />lancl, together saith any appurtenant facilities needed to process <br />waste for disposal or transfer ta another waste iac�lity_ <br />Subcf. 1Qa. Environmentally inferior. <br />"Environmenta�ly inferior" means a solid waste management method <br />that is lawer on the list of preferred waste management methods <br />in section 115A.02 than a solid waste management method chosen <br />by a county or, as applied to a facility, means a waste <br />management facility that utilizes a waste management method that <br />is lower on the list of preferred waste management methods than <br />the waste management method chosen by a county. In add.ition, as <br />applied to disposaL facilities, a facility that does nat meet <br />the stanc�ards for new faci.lities in Code of Eederal ReguJ.aCions, <br />title 90, chapter� 257 and 258, is environmentally iriferior to a <br />facility that do�s meet these stand�ards. <br />Subd. 11. Generation <br />process of producing waste <br />Subd. 12. G�nezator <br />who generates waste. <br />"Genexation" means the act or <br />"Gerserator" means any person <br />Subd. 13_ Hazardpus was�e. "Hazardous waste" has ttie <br />meaning given it in section 116.06, subd.ivision Il. <br />Su�d. 13a. Industrial wasY_e. "Industrial waste" <br />means solid waste from an industrial, mant��turinq, <br />service, or r�oi;unercial activity that is mar�aged �s a separate <br />waste stream. <br />Subd. 19. intrinsic hazard_ "Intrinsic hazard" of a <br />waste means the propensity of tt�e waste to migrate in the <br />environment, and thereby to becoine exposed to the public, and <br />Y_he significance of the harm or damage liicely to result from <br />exposure of natural resources or the public to the waste, as a <br />result of such inher.ent or induced attribute� of the waste as <br />its chemical and physical stability, solubility, <br />bioconcentratability, toxicity, flammability, and corrosivity_ <br />Subd. 15. Intrinsic suitability. "Intrir.sic <br />suitabi.l_ity" o£ a land area or site means ttiat, based on <br />existing data on Yhe inherent and natural atY_ributes, physical <br />features, and location of the .Iand area or site, there is no <br />known reason why the waste facility proposed to be iocated in <br />the area or site cannot reasonably be expected to qualify for <br />permits in accordance s,rith agency rules. Agency certification <br />c3f intrinsic suitabi.l�_ty sha.11 be based on data submitted to t_he <br />agency by ttie proposing entity and data included by the <br />administrative law judge in the record of any pub�ic t�ear�ng on <br />r.ecom�ended certification, and apglied against crit�ria in <br />agency and any additional criteria developed by the agency <br />irz effect at the ti�tie the propasing entity s�i�mits ttze site fox <br />certi£ication. <br />Iri the event �hat a1_1 cand�r_late s�.tes selec�ed by ��e board <br />beforc P��y 3, 19£39, are eliminated fro�n further consic�eratior <br />ar�d a new search for candidate sites is commenced, "inr_ri.nsic <br />suitability" of a land area or site shall mean ttzat, berause of <br />the inherent anc� r�atura� attributes, physical feat!ires, and <br />sizzio 1 <br />Page 3 of 12D <br />