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�'age 4 0# 1 �0 <br />location of th� land area or s�re, tile waste facility pr��pcsec! <br />tc t�e located in che area or �iue woe�ld r�ot �e I�kely to ressait <br />in materia� harm ta the public health and safety anc� naku�al <br />reso�trces and that th�re�ore the �roposed faciiity r_an <br />reasanably be expected to qualify €or �ermits .in �ccardanGe witit <br />age.^.cy n�les. <br />Subd. 16. Repealed, 199"1 c 7 art � s 76 <br />Subd. 17 . Local goverrunent unit _ "i�ocal gove�rnment <br />ur.iL" means, *_owns, and cuur7ties. <br />Subd_ 17a. Major appliances. "Major appliances" <br />r�eans clothes :aasher.s anci dryers, dishwashers, hot water <br />heaters, heat p�mps, furnaces, garbage dispas�ls, trash <br />compactors, cnnventional and microwave ovens, ranges and sto�es, <br />air canditioners, dehumidifiers, refrigerators, and freezers. <br />Subd. 18. iNetropolitan a��c�a. "Metropolitan area" has <br />the mean.tnq qivrn it in sectior3 973.121. <br />Subd. 19. Metropolitan cc,uncil._ "Metropalitan <br />counczl" me�ar�s the council established in chapter 973. <br />Subd_ 20. Repeal.Pd, 1949 c E�8 art: 3 s 2U9 <br />Stthd. 21. Mixed municipal soiid waste_ (a) "Mi�:ed <br />municipal solid waste" means garbage, refuse, and other solid <br />waste £rom resider.t.iaJ , co[�uner.cial, indu�,txial, anci communi�y <br />activities that the generator of the waste aqqregates f.or <br />col_lectiori, exce�t as prov.ided in paragraph (bI- <br />{b} Mixed municipal solid waste does noY. inr_lude auto <br />hulks, street. sweepings, ash, construclion debris, waste, <br />sludges, tree and agricu_i.tural wastes, tires, lead acid <br />batteries, motar arid vehicle fluids ancf filters, and other <br />materials collected, processed, and dispased of as separate <br />waste strcams, but does include sotirce-separated compostable <br />materials. <br />Subd_ 22. Natural resources. "Natiir,al resources" has <br />the meaninc� given it in chapter 116B. <br />Siibd_ 22�i. Office. "Oftic�e" erFeans zhe office of <br />environment3l 7551 Str3I1C�. <br />Suhd. 22b. Packaging. "Packaging" means a container <br />and any appurtenant material that provide � means of <br />transportirig, mar}:et=ing, proteci inq, or hand.l � ng a pro:iuct . <br />"P�ckag? ng" iil::ltzdes pallets and pr3cking such as blocking, <br />�iracinq,, weatherproofing, strapping, -�oatinys, <br />ci.osures, ic�ks, dyes, aigmen`s, and labels_ <br />Subd. 23. �erson._ "PPrson" tlas the meaniag gia�n it <br />in sec�ion 716.fl6, but does not ��c_ude `►�e �ffir_e. <br />S�abd_ 24 _ !=alit? cal s�sbdivi �ion. "Fr�li'�ical <br />subdivision" means any murticipal corporation, governsnental <br />siibdivision of trse state, local government unit, special <br />district, nr l.o�al or regional board, co�nmission, or auttiority <br />aut��orized by laU� to plan nr pr�vide for waste management_ <br />Subd. 24a_ f'roblem mater�al. "Prohlem materzal" <br />means a tnaterial that, s�rhen zt is processed or disposed of with <br />$�22/01 <br />