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Page 5 of i20 <br />mixed municipal solid waste, contributes to one or more of the <br />following resu�ts: <br />{1� the release of a haz�ri��us substance, or pallutant or <br />containinant, as defined i!: sect.ion 1�58.02, subdivisions 8, 13, <br />ar�d 25; <br />iz] po3lutior of waCer .as *.�c;fa�.ed in`section 115_u�, <br />subdivision 13; <br />(3) air pol.lution as defined in section 116.06, subdivision <br />9; or <br />{9) a siqnificant threat to the sa�e or efficient operatian <br />of a solid waste facility_ <br />Subd. 24b. Postconsumer material. "Postconsumer <br />material" means a f.inished material that would normaily be <br />discarded as a waste having completect its life r,ycle as a <br />consum�r item. <br />5ubd. 25_ Processinq. "E'rocessing" means the <br />treatment of waste after coller:tion and before disposal. <br />Pxocessing includes but is nnt limited to reduction, storage, <br />separation, exchang�, resaurce recovery, pt►ysical, chemical, or <br />biological tnadification, and transfer from one waste iacility to <br />another. <br />Subd. 25a. Recyclable materi.als. "Recyclable <br />materiais" means materials that are separaLed from mixed <br />municipal snlad waste ior the purpose of recycling, incli�diny <br />�aper, ylass, plastics, metals, aiztomobile oil, and batteries. <br />Refuse-derived iuel or other material that is destroyed by <br />incineration is noY_ a recyc].able materia�. <br />Subd. 25b. Recycling_ "Recyclzng" means the process ' <br />of collecting and pre�aring recyclab�e materials anci reusing the <br />materials in their original for.m or using them iri mar�ufacturing <br />processes that do not �ause the destruction nf recyclable <br />materia].s in a manner that precludes further use_ <br />Subd_ 25c_ Recyclirig facility. "Recycling facility" <br />means a facility at wf�ich mater.ials are px'epared for reuse in <br />their original €orm or f.or use iri manufacturing processes that <br />do not cat�se the cJest�uctivn of the materials in a manner that <br />precludes further use_ <br />5ubd. 26. Regional de��elopment conunission. "Regional <br />devela�ament coiFU��ission" means a.^ommission esta�lisi�ed pur:�uant <br />to secti�ns �I 6?_ _ 381 to 9 c�7_ . 39 i_ <br />�ubd. 26a_ Resource conser.vation. "Resource <br />conservation" means the rediictian .zn t�e use of s•rater, P��erqy, <br />and raw ;nateriais _ <br />Subd. 27. Resource recovery. "Resource recovery" <br />means the reclamation for. sa�e, use, o� reuse o€ materials, <br />substances, energy, or other prod�acts contained w�thin or <br />der.i.ved fro�n waste _ <br />Subd. 28_ Resource recovery racility. "Resource <br />recovery facitir.y" mearas a waste facility esLa}�listied and use� <br />�rimarily for resourc� recovery, including related and <br />appurten�nt facilities such as transmission facilities arrd <br />8/22/O I <br />