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trans�er statios:s vrirnarily ser�ring r.�-:e -e�so�.rc� reuovrx v <br />facility. <br />Subcf_ 28a. Retrievab"se storage. "Retrievable <br />storage" mearis a�riett-iotl of c3isposal whereby wastes axe pla�:ed in <br />a faci.lity establ.ishe� purstaant to sections 11��.38 to 115f,_3J <br />for an indeterminate period in a mannpr designec� ta allaw the <br />�-emovat af *he o-rastr at a'ater time_ <br />Subd. 28b. Sanitary district_ "Sanitary district" <br />m�ans a san�tary district with tFte authorzty cu regulate sc�licl <br />o-�aste. <br />5ubt1_ 29 _ 5esaage sludge _ "Sewar�e sludge" means <br />solid, semisolid, or ltquid residue seneraCed durinq thF <br />kr.eatment of domestic sewage ir, a treatment works. Et includ�s, <br />bi�ti is not lisnited to, scum or soZids removed in priinary, <br />secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment pracesses and a <br />material derived sewaqe sludge. Sewage s.�vdge does riot <br />iriclude ash generated during the fi_rirsg of sewage sludge in a <br />sewage siudge inciner_ator c�r. grit asid screenings generateci <br />durinq prelimin�ry treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment <br />worhs. Sew��ge sludg� that is acceptable and be�7eficial for <br />recycli ng nn ianc� as a soi l conditioner arid r�utrient s�urc:F� i5 <br />��1so kr�own a , bioso].ids _ <br />Subd. 3Q. S�wage sJ_udge dispos.�l faci.l.ity. "Sewage <br />sludge disposal facility" means property owrzed or ].eased by a <br />political subdivisiorc and used for interi.m or Iina.l disposal or <br />land spreadisag of sewage sludge_ <br />Subd. 31. So3id waste_ "Sol�d waste" has the meaning <br />qiven it in sec,tion 116.06, subdivision �2. <br />Subd_ 32. Solid waste managemenY_ district. "Solid <br />waste maiiayement district" or "wasLe district" me<�ns a <br />geographzc area extending into two ar more courities in which the <br />tnanagement of solid waste is vested in a specia.l d.istrict <br />estab.Lished pursuant Lo sections 115A_G2 to 1�5A.�2. <br />Subd. 32a. N[S ]_994 Renumbered subd 32c <br />Subd. 32a. 5ource-s�paraT.ed compostab�e mater.ia?s. <br />"5ource-separated compostal�le materials" ctaeans mir.ed municip�l <br />solid �raste ttiat : <br />(1) is separated at the sourc:e by waste generators for the <br />purnase o£ �repa�'it7g it for. us� as compost; <br />{2} is collected separat�ly �rom ottZer mireci munici.ral. <br />sc�] :.r� :•rasr�s; - <br />(3) �s co�n�rised oL" food �ras`es, �ish and ��n?ma1 �r� �Le, <br />plant materials, daapers, sani`ar� prodficts, ar.d paper tt-3a� is <br />not recyclable Y�ecause the directoz has determined t?�at no othe� <br />persan is s,illiag to accept the paper far �ecyclinu; ar�d <br />(4} is delivered �o a�acility to underqa coritrolled <br />microbial degradation to yield a i-iumus-like produc� meetirig �he <br />agency's class I or class II, or equivalent, compost standarc�s <br />and where proce �s residues do r�o•� exceed IS per�ent by t•�eiqht of <br />tkze total material dnlavered to the facility. <br />5u�ci. 32b. i7S 199�i Renurnbezed subd 32d <br />x�2?io1 <br />Pag� � �#' .12� - <br />_� <br />r <br />