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o Increase police visibility throughout tlle co�nmunity to establish closcr rclationships with <br />neighhoz•hoods and to discourage offenders from aifempfing to cot��t��it crime in Roseville. <br />o Work ��vith surrounding communities to follow suit i�i employing similar crime prevention <br />strategies to those used in Roseville. <br />��ergerecy Prepar�dness <br />o�xpand tlie capabilities of the community ta respond to civil and natural emergencies, <br />o Continue ��ork on ar�ticipating and preparing for potential civil and natural e�nergencies. <br />o Rstablish a method for givii�g warning notification to every household and business inside <br />as well as outside. <br />Fire �afety <br />Reduce the probability a fire wili occur in or on a Roseville property, and to increase the <br />ca�abilities of the commur�ity to respond to a fire emergency. <br />o Rcspond to a tire emergency within four minutes after tlie request is received by il�e <br />primary answcring ccntcr. Signiticantiy increased staffing program. Average response <br />timc for the firsE responding Engine when the station is staffed is 4 minutes, �neeting ihe <br />goai of Vista 2000. Whcn we are not staffed, the respovse times for the first arriving <br />Engine is 8-9 minutes. The NPPA standard for tlle connplete fit•st alarm assi�mmei�t (2 <br />engines, 1 ladder) for a critical call is 8 minutcs. On average, our response for the first <br />alarm is 10 minutcs. <br />o Require hard-wired srnoke detectors with battery backups in all Roseville buildings. <br />o Require or create incentives for installing sprinkler systems in commercial, indi�idual, and <br />multifamily buildings. <br />o Increase puhlic edt�caiion of fire satcty practices. <br />• `T'he fire department has implemented sevcral ncw prograins to increase public <br />awareness, inciuding collahorating wiih the Roseville Parks & Recreation ��ith the <br />"Discover t�e Parks" program, Fire Triick Rides In The Parks, Free Pizza for <br />Working Smoke Detectors program and a collaboration with the Rosevilie Police <br />Depaz-tment on a Senior Safety Camp. <br />o Relocate the Fire Tlouse on Fairview to a less congested, ttearby locatiot�. <br />� Tri-Data Corporatiozl was commissioned to co�nplete a fire station Iocation study in <br />2002. Tl�e study reco�nmends the fire degartment operating out of two fire stations <br />instead of tllree. The recommendatioz�s were incorporated into the f re <br />department's strategic plan. No action has been taken on this matter by Council. <br />o Install a computcr data base to transmit information from 911 calls as to how many <br />persons, handicapped, pets, etc., are in a given home. <br />� The fire departmei}t has �noz�ey i�udgeted in 2003 to �nake the first purchase of <br />mobilc data computers. This wi11 oirtfit three fire engines az�d tivee administrative <br />vchicles with the teehnology to access p�e�incident plani�ing infonnation. <br />Vista 2000 Report Page 13 of 22 <br />