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Update on February BIack History Month Eveut <br />Carolyn Curti reported that Parkview School Principal Lee Bauer is interested in Mark Taylor <br />coming to the school to perform his reenactment of Dr. Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream <br />speech. Ms. Bauer will contact the City as soon as she has a firm date. <br />Commissioner 3anet Delmore presented a resource book io give to Parkview School. It has an <br />extensive book list, articles, pictures and a sample 6rst grade lesson plan. The IIRC wi11 print <br />boolflnarks with age-appropriate books that discuss black hisiozy and Dr. Martin Luther King_ <br />Comrnissioners discussed whether the HRC should also donate books to thc schoot. After <br />much discussion, Cornmissianezs agreed that the boolrnzarks would be enough, and the <br />Commission should consider making donations to other schools in the Roseville area. <br />Commissioners discussed an a�propriatc stipend to cornpensate Mark Taylor for taking <br />vacation and performing the rcenactment. Cornrnissianer Voeller moved that the Cornrnission <br />reirnburse Mark Taylor at the rate of $300 for two perforixza.nces at Parkview School. <br />Co.mmissioner Howard Wagner seconded the motion. Motion prevailed unanimously. <br />Review Rest of the Year Priorities <br />Commissioners reviewed the Iist of projects/activitzes that they had talked about or worked on <br />in 2004. They dzscussed whether these items remained priorities or if the HRC should look to <br />other activities in 2005. <br />Speakers Bureau: Cornmissioners discussed ways to promote and use this list. <br />Commissioner Vnuk suggested inviting a speaker to our regular meetings. Commissioner <br />Delmore talked about her school attracting people by offering food and then having speakers <br />discuss specific topics. Chair Crump suggested developing quarterly talks at the Library. He <br />askcd Carolyn Curti to send him a list of thc spcakers and he would look for a common <br />therne and suggest idcas at the Fchruary rneeting. He asked the other Commissioners to <br />brainstorm sorne names that would aitract the com�munity's interest. <br />Meet with Superintendent Thein: Commissioners discussed the purpose oF such a meeting, <br />unless we have a specific agenda, it may not be a good use of his or our tirne. Commissioners <br />agrced to send a letter to 1V1r. Thein inviting him to thc Parkvicw School event in February. <br />New Teachers' Packet: Commissioners opted to postpone any action on this item. In <br />early January the Coinrriission sent letters to the 43 teachers who began teaching in <br />September. The letter offered assistance to find speakers and asked for i'eedback on the <br />packet. <br />Rose Parade: Commissioners discussed if there were ways to enhance thc HRC's <br />participation in the Parade. In the past, the HRC distributed candy, but are there other ways to <br />increase our visibility. Co�issioncrs agreed that a paradc is a festive event, and people are <br />n.oi ]ikely interested in receiving much other than candy or irinkets. The Commission will <br />continue to distribute cazzdy wt�less arzyone can ihink of a reasonably priced alterna�ive. <br />2 <br />