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BIAS / HATE CRIME RESP4NSE A1YD PREVENTTQi�t PLAN <br />(Draft 4.13.04) <br />Pwrpase <br />The purposes of this plan are: <br />• Ta estabiish a procedure for appropriate and tunely local response to bias/hate crimes <br />or i�►cidents, showing strong community support for the victim and zero comsnunity <br />tolerance for 6ias/hate crimes that occur �vithin the boundaries of the City of <br />Rose�ille; <br />• To raise awaren�;ss of this issue within tk►e community; <br />• To establish a network of community resources that can be activated as needed. <br />It is not 1he role of the Rosevili� Human Rights Camnussibn (RHRC) to investigate Such <br />crimes. Rather, it provides or coordinates sup,nort ro vietims of such crimes and <br />leadersl� in the community in the preventioa of bias and haEe crimes through education <br />and collaborative conamcu�ih• uction against prejudice and bigotry. <br />HaEe Crime Defined <br />A hate crime, as defined by criminal statute (Minnesota Statute Section 609.2231, Subd. <br />4), is a criminal aci committed against a person, institution, or property, of which the <br />prinnary motivation is the victini's affiliation with a protected class. This ineludes such <br />criminal acts as arson, assault, vandalism, ttu-eats, harassment, and physical acts of <br />violence. State law established the following protected classes_ race, cnlor, religinn, <br />ge�acler, sc:xuul orientation, age, disubility, ancl nationnl origrn. Tiie law allo�vs for the <br />gerceptian of either tlie victim or the police of�cer rcgarding the 6ias motivation of the <br />crime to cause it to be categorized as a hate cnme. ,�Iate cnmes are different from <br />discrimination complaint�«�hicii are ci� i�_rather ttian criminal ma�te�-s_ <br />Partnership <br />Tn order to provide timely, meaningful support to victims ofbias/hate crimes, tl�e <br />Commission must partner with the citizens and organizations in the community. The key <br />partners include: <br />• The Roseville City Polzce nepartment <br />•"I1te Mayor and City Council, if appropriate <br />• Roseville School District, if appropriate <br />• Mound� �� iew School District, if appropriate <br />+ County Attomey's Office, if appropnate <br />Proposed 4/13R004 <br />,��� <br />DeleYCd: Co�rvictions eesultnig from <br />hate c�imes carry rnhanred penafties_ � <br />; _ . . ....:...:.. - .. .. . : . . <br />� Deleted: _ AlthougEi d'esmmination is <br />agaiflsl tl�e ]aw, it is not a crime, but <br />� nthcr a civil matttr. <br />. ...... .............. .. <br />oeleted: v <br />