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Officers shall be declared elected and qualified by a simple <br />majority vote of those present and voting. Newly elected officers <br />shall take office at the c�os� of �he meeting in which the eZection <br />is held. No officer shall be eligible to hold more than two <br />consecutive terms in the same office. In filling vacancies for <br />unexpir�d terms, an officer who has served more than half of a terttt <br />is considered to have served a full term in that office. <br />Section 8. vacancies. A vacancy in the office of Chair, <br />Vice-Chair, or Secretary, including a vacancy pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes Section 410.05, as amended, or other provisions of state <br />lat+r or these by-laws, shall be filled by a special elec�ion by the <br />Commission at its next meeting with the elected successor serving <br />the unexpired term of office. <br />SBCti,on 9. Appointments . The Chair shal]. notify the City <br />Manager at Ieast three months prior to tihe expiration of any seat <br />on the Commission, of the names of �he incumbents and their <br />expiration of office date so that the City Maziager may pubZicize <br />the availability of openings on the Commission together with a <br />summary of the application process. The Chair shall also no�.ify <br />members eligib].e for re-appointment at this time. <br />A.RTICLE III - MEETINGS <br />Section 1. ReQUlar Meetinc�s. The Commission shaii mee� �n <br />the third Wednesday of each month. When the business of the <br />Commission cannot be appropriately handled at the monthly meetings <br />or the business from a special mee�ing is not completed and <br />necessitates additional meetzngs, the comma.ssion shal� es�ablish, <br />by resolutian, a schedule of additiana]. regular meetings. All <br />meetings shall be held in the Roseville C�ty Hall unZess meeting <br />notices state oth�rwise. All meetings shall comply with the <br />Minneso�a Open Meeting Law (Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.705). <br />5action 2. Special Mee�inas. The Chair or any two members of <br />the Commission may call a special meeting to transact any business <br />sta�ed in the meeting notice in. accordance with state �aw. Notice <br />of the special meeting shall s�ate the time, date, place, and <br />business to be conducted at the meeting. The business to <br />be considered a� special meetings shall. be limited to that stated <br />in the m�eting notice unless all members o� the Commission are <br />present and vote unanimously to conduct additionaJ. business. <br />3 <br />