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City of Roseville <br />Internationale Sister City Committee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, �ebruary 5, 1997 <br />Present: sames and Joyce Boardson, Tom and Virginia Turba, Judy Janiak <br />Minutes: <br />1. January's minutes had Mayor Dan Wall's name spelled wrong. <br />2. Contacts were made with several schools by Joyce. Names and numbers were <br />given to Manuel Vargas, but no action was taken further while he was here. <br />The committee deCided to but further action on hold for the time being. <br />3. No representative for Shinmachi was present for a status report. <br />4. Martha was not present to report on the treasury status or how she is doing <br />on developing a receipt system, such as for donations. <br />5. Costa Rica: The Middle School Exchange went very well. Holly Young and <br />Fran Larson are planning to take a group of studenCs to Costa Rica this <br />summer, probably the Roseville host €amilies, most likely in July. Tom is <br />having meetings with Holly and Fran on this. They have started looking at <br />group airfare rates. . <br />Tom has had a meeting with Tony Anderson, Dan Wall, and Bob Burmeister. <br />Dan Wall and Bob Burmeister are planning to go to Costa Rica in 1998. <br />Tony Anderson plans to do his every -4-years group trip in 1998. <br />Other issues: Mayor Wall wants Roseville City Council to declare Cartago <br />and Shinmachi Days. Rosedale Shopping cenCer may be receptive to joining <br />in on the activety. A suggestion was made that the future arboratum be <br />dedicated to Shinmachi. In 19999, Rosev�lle High Schoal is hosting the <br />Student Council Convention for the US. This may an opportunity to invite <br />Sister City representives. Perhaps we could get the former Costa Rica <br />�president and Nvble Prize winner for a speaker, combined with a U of M <br />activity. Steve North expects bids to go out for a display case as City Hall. <br />5t. Paul Rotary has medical supplies stored. The Ratary International Con- <br />vention is June, 1998. Suggestion was made to invite Cartago Rotary to ex- <br />tend their trip to Roseville. The Iibrary also has surplus books that have <br />been donaCed. With English being pushed at the CR school, they may be abie <br />to use them. <br />6. The Committee would like to Chank Mardy Olseen for her assistance with mailing. <br />7. RoseFest Parade will be here soon. Suggestions for entry - Japanese attire <br />and a convertible. A float with Japanese and Costa Rican themes. (Jan <br />Strootman was very excited about this when I called her.) <br />8. Volunteer dinner expected to be Feb. 26. We will try to have a dispiay for <br />each country. <br />9. Next meeting - March 5, 1997 <br />Respectfully submitted, Joyce Boardson <br />� ,� <br />�; r r <br />�� ,-t,-��`- ' �} � � �,�,v <br />