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City of Roseville <br />Internationa� Sister Citv Committee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, February 5, 1997 <br />Present: James and Jayce Boardson, Judi Janiak, Carol Stark, Tom Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. 5hinmachi: Meetings have started in preparation of exchanges to and from <br />Shinmache in July (to) and August 5-16 (from). There is a smalZ group plan- <br />ing to go to Japan in late March. <br />2. Cartago: A scout group went to Costa Rica in February, staying with families. <br />We are hoging for a student exchange going to CarCago in late July-early August. <br />Holly Young is in charge of the trip. We are sCill hopeful of adult or adult/ <br />family groups going in Feb., 1998. A Costa Rican cart will be donated to <br />Sister City by either the HS Fu11er Co. or the Costa Rica-Minn. Foundation. <br />There is no new word from Dan Wall on Costa Rica Days at Roseville. The <br />National Student Council Convention will be held in Roseville in 3une, 1999. <br />We are hoping we will be able to have Oscar Arias speak. Augsburg College <br />may be able to help us with this. (There has been no new word on activites <br />since the Feb. meeting.) Girls soccer is new to Costa Rica and Mn. Joyce <br />wi11 contact the Roseville Mi�dle/High Schools about the possibility of an <br />e�change activity. <br />3. Community Activities: ideas for involvement in the Rosefest Parade include <br />a convertible with someone dressed in Japanese clo�hing and a fioat involving <br />both countries. Carol offered to take the lead on the parade issue.and fe�t <br />no special meetings were needed. She is optomistic that the students will <br />take the lead on canstruction. Jim suggested a globe constructed so that it <br />could be dismantled and reused. <br />b) Changing the display case was discussed - members will look to see if they <br />other ite�s to display. <br />c) Cartago is buiZding a public library. Donations would be appreciated. <br />{Books in English are okay.) Means for Cransporting Chem ta Cartago are <br />available. <br />d) Judi suggested getCing the Tico Times Newspapex into the public library. <br />After 3 months, it could be sent to the schools. She also suggested a <br />sign at the display case Zisting Japan/Costa Rica reference material. <br />- Tom wi11 Zook into this. (librarian-Lynn Wagner) <br />e) A company called "Jetro", working with the MN. Trade Office contacted <br />3im. They are a non-profit company/organization promoting trade with <br />Japan, concentrating on MN. now. Jim wiZl look further into this. <br />