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4. Treasury repozC: Year-end is March 31. With Iess than $25,000 revenue, <br />we do not need to report to the IRS. However, we should have a report for <br />Sister City records. <br />5. Grant: Carol and MarCha will be working a grant propoSal for financial <br />assistance to Shinmachi this summer. Tom wil� be coordinating wi�h Holly <br />to Cry to obtain fiancial assistance for students to Cartago this summer. <br />(Last year, we were able to get approximately �5ao per person for the <br />Shinmachi group through [he Roseville Community Fund and North Suburban <br />Foundation.) Martha wi11 get the appZication information and forms. <br />6. Old Business: �iffani has provided us with some nice sketches of potential <br />Sister City Iogo designs. The group discussed the pros and cons of them - <br />Tom wiil see if he can find some computer assistance for the changes at work. <br />Tom has not had time to work on a three foid info sheet. �he suggestion of <br />logo stickers was made. <br />7. Next meeting, Wednesday, April 2, 1997 - City Ha11. <br />Respectf `ly submitted, <br />�- �'c;�� <br />Joyce Boardson, secretary <br />