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City of Rosevilie <br />International Sister City Committee <br />Minuties <br />Wednesday, December 3, 1996 <br />Present: Jim and Joyce Boardson, Virginia and Tom Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: Mayor Dan Wa11 had a greaC Crip to Shinmachi, Japan. He took <br />severai gifts wi�h him. �he Shinmachi group is working on a proposal �o <br />obtain a grant that would help pay far travel expenses for students to go <br />to Shinmachi. <br />Z. Cartago: There are 10 students and 2 teachers expecting to came Jan. 4�5 <br />to Jan. 25. We are still short homes for students. An inviation is going <br />ouC to sCudents other than in the Spanish language classed to take in a <br />student for 3 weeks. Homes for Che teachers is available. <br />3. At �ast, we have a display case in the public library. Please stap by and <br />take a look at it. Tom is working on brochures to be placed on top. Tom <br />and Virginia have ideas for � 5ister City Committee design. Does any one <br />else? Good work on Che signs that have been included with the articles. <br />Now that the display case is "up and running", we would like to put more <br />permanent signs in. Does any one have ideas? <br />4. Tom has not been able to caYl St. Rose of Lima school. Joyce has not had <br />time to call teachers. They.�:are still hoping to follow through with these <br />activities. <br />5. Elections had been postponed at our last meeting due to lack o� attendance. <br />The following members have been selected as officers. If any one disagrees, <br />they �i1i need to vo�ce their disagreement. <br />Chairman: Tam Turba <br />Vice-chair: Carol Stark <br />Treasurer: Martha Hardesty <br />Secretary: Joyce $oardson <br />6. The nexC meeting wi11 be held on Wednesday, Jan."<8, 1996 - City Hall. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />�_� t <br />�.�-�.�,. �; ..�c�-� <br />Joyce M. Boardson <br />