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City of Roseville <br />International Sister Ciiy Committee <br />Wednesday, November 6, 1996 <br />Present: Tam Turba, James Boardson, Carol Stark, Denny and Jan Strootman <br />Minutes: <br />Jim Boardson and his assistant brought the display case to the meeting and then later <br />delivered it to the Ramsey County library. The case will be used to display <br />information and articles from Roseville's two sister cities. Placernent of the display <br />case will be reviewed on a quarterly basis as to whether it witl s#ay at the library or <br />be moved to another place in the city. (The Middle School is one alternative <br />location.) Jim and Joyce Boardson had painted the cabinet, fixed the veneer, got <br />keys for the lock, and generally put the display case into good shape. Their work is <br />greatly appreciated. <br />2. Ten students and two teachers frorn Cartago will be visiting Roseville Jan. 4th - 25th. <br />The students are from the Jorge Vo1io bilingual school and will be attending classes <br />at the Rose�ville Area Middle School. The #eachers will assist in Spanish classes as <br />well as give cultural presentations on Cos#a Rica. Host families are still needed for <br />some of ihe siudents. � <br />3. The Sister City Committee in Cartago is collecting information that can be put in the <br />display case at the library and also used as reference material. Some videos are <br />expected. The Cartago committee would like us to send them a video as well as <br />display and reference rnaterials that they could puE in their library. <br />4. The Roseville Rotary Club was contacted and they have been put in contact with the <br />President Elect of the Rotary Club in Cartago. <br />5. Mayor Dan Wall visited Shinmachi on his recent trip to 3apan, however, no <br />infortnation an his visit was available at this time. <br />6. Elections were postponed until #he December meeting because several peaple could <br />not make the meeiing. <br />7. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 199b. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />i ��� <br />Thomas N. Turba <br />